01 Homecomings

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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by NPCs »

OOC - Aquilon, Shadow, Micah, & Chauni - JP

Aquilon felt the hand on his shoulder. "Leave me alone, Mother, I want to sleep some more!" he shouted, half asleep. He moved his arm and opened his eyes to see Shadow standing over him. He heard a stifled chuckle nearby. "Sorry, my friend it has been years since I slept that well. It's the first time I felt like I didn't need to keep one eye open since I left my home."

"That's quite all right, good man," Shadow stood away. "This man is my friend Micah, son of the local sheriff. "

"Glad to meet you. I'll be calling on you from time to time to break me out of jail," he said with a wink.

"Come, we must eat; the others have already left for the capital. We can choose to stay, or join them there after breakfast." Shadow led the group to the courtyard where a table was being cleaned off and reset.

As they each took a place, Aquilon spoke up. "I don't know what the trip is about, but going to the capital sounds interesting. I do hope you refrain from calling me by my given name, however. There had been some back in Milan who felt it necessary to put a price on my head. I don't know if that situation has resolved itself."

“I don’t think there’s any need to bring up the past.” Shadow took a seat and spread a cloth over his lap. He took up a cup to drink as the others settled to their seats.

“If we’re not to call you by your Christian name friend, then what, pray tell, are we to…” Micah stopped himself and jolted, glaring at Shadow with annoyance.

“Mind yourself, sir, he is the lord’s guest,” Shadow said.

"Aquilon, you may call me Aquilon," he answered. "It's an ancient name I took for myself. Signore Aquilon would be the proper name. Anyone who knows of the various noble families on the Italian peninsula will know it's not a true name, but they would assume me to be a minor nobleman who wishes to remain anonymous, which in fact I am. No one would risk insulting a nobleman to call me out."

Aquilon made sure he thanked the servants for bringing the food. "Yes, I know," he sighed. "I need to stop that or I'll bring attention to myself. To a nobleman, they are not important. I can put on the act, but I can never see them as anything less then equals again. Nobility is an act of luck, not the will of God as most would believe."

“Well said my friend,” Shadow raised his glass goblet to him. “You may call me Beau.” He took up a croissant and tore it apart. As he bit into the smaller half, the sound of an excited horse drew his attention. “It sounds like Chauni has returned.”

“You can tell that from the sound at this distance?” Micah asked.

“I know her horse and surely as I know my own.” He tossed a croissant to each of them and casually resumed their conversation. “As for your treatment of the staff, we do not believe in slavery or servitude. Our staff is well compensated and is well accustomed to good mannered treatment.”


With the battle behind them, Chauni could think of no better idea than returning to the chateau. She wanted to regroup her thoughts and utilize the resources available to begin her investigation. She wanted to know who was behind the attack and why. Pulling hard on the reins, she practically jumped off Sooth as they entered the Chateau's courtyard.

The stable boy took the reins, telling her where Shadow and the others were. She skipped up the front steps and made her way around to the courtyard where she greeted them. She took a seat beside Shadow and snatched up a croissant.

“I’m surprised to see you back,” He said.

“I wasn’t supposed to be,” She accepted a glass goblet of orange juice. “The caravan was attacked en route. Everyone’s fine but I’d like to investigate.”

Micah leaned back draping an arm over the back of his chair. “Now who do we know that might be brazen enough to attack the caravan?”

From a glass bowl on the table, she picked up two apples and tossed one to him. "You know that we have our enemies. As for who may be after us, it could be any one of them." She took a small, delicate bite of her apple before speaking again. "It may have something to do with my father's death or it may deal with someone's move for the throne."

“If I may be bold,” Aquilon interrupted “I can think of at least a dozen who could have made a move against the throne and it could take a week to look into all of them. Looking into those responsible for your father’s death would be the prudent course. Any thoughts on where we could start looking?”

“Delaney,” The other three responded in unison.

With a giggle, Chauni smiled innocently getting up from her chair. “Come with me, I have something to show you all.” She walked backward towards the manner. With her back against the door, she pushed through the door and made her way to the vast library.

"This ought to be interesting," Micah said. He followed, in step with Shadow and Aquilon. It was a room he never ventured into before and he was amazed at the collection of books adorning the walls and the short shelves strategically placed on the floor. He ran his hand over a few of the book spines reading the names and picking up one to grace through the pages.

Chauni strode over to the elegant yet simple desk near one of the windows. "My father left something for me in my uncles care." She started looking through the desk drawers, sifting between papers. "It's one of those 'don't open unless I'm dead' sort of letters."

"And you know where he kept it?” Shadow asked. Watching her, he was intrigued by her as always. She never failed at this. He tried several of the drawers and small doors around the area of the desk. While he discovered several items, he found nothing resembling an envelope or scroll that would imply a post-death letter.

"Both of them keep all their important papers here in the library. I'm assuming this is where it would be." Chauni reached for the bottom left drawer of the desk and it refused to open. Sitting in the desk chair, she wrapped her knuckles on the hard wooden surface. She looked around the desktop, then around her immediate area. "I don't suppose any of you know how to pick locks?"

Micah swerved around, holding up his hands. “Hey, don’t look at me. The rumors of my thieving are just that, rumors.”

Chauni chuckled. “Austin, do you think you can get this open?”

He knelt before the desk, examined the condition of the drawer. First, he tried pulling the handle as anyone would. The drawer gave a little. “Would be nice if we had a key.” He paused, thinking for a moment and then looked up to Aquilon. “A key, perhaps they hid it somewhere here in the library.” In stepping away from the desk, he began a search for a key.

With a sigh, Chauni shook her head then looked at Aquilon. “Care to give it a try?"

"I think I can get it open," Aquilon answered. He knelt down in front of the drawer and looked into the hole for a couple of seconds. He held out his hand and formed a small simple key out of ice. Putting it into the keyhole he tried to turn it, with no success. Pulling the key out he altered it slightly and after three tries he was successful. "This is an unusually complex lock," he said. Only an experienced thief could have picked it." He said as he stepped out of the way to give Chauni access.

Chauni opened the drawer, surprised at the collection of envelopes and scrolls inside. She sifted through them, looking for one that bore her name. There were many addressed to her father and equally so to Curran. Finding nothing to her, she sorted out the letters from the scrolls, setting the scrolls on the desk while she read through the letters. She grimaced to see her speculation confirmed; they were indeed communications between Curran and her father.

Shadow moved to stand behind her, resting a hand on the chair she sat in. “Have you found anything?"

She glanced up as he spoke and handed him some of the letters. With a smirk, she nodded. "Listen to this," Sitting forward, she placed her arms to rest on the desk and read the letter. "My Brother, the agony of our beloved has ended. What veil death's grip has had finally closed itself on her in the last moonlight. I was barely awake, drifting to dreams of the distant future when I felt her warmth against my side and her breath sigh against my neck. As her enclosed letter of final words, she wishes we not mourn her but celebrate the child she gifted us. My heart throbs with pain at the vision of telling young Chauni that her mother can no longer hold her." Sitting back dumbfounded, she stared blankly at the letter from her father to her uncle.

Aquilon leaned in closer to Micah. "I take it that this relationship was not known?" he asked

Micah shook his head in response, not taking his eyes off of Chauni.

"Then we have an answer, but not to the question asked," Aquilon said as he stood again.

Shadow knelt beside her, his hand gracing over hers and interlocking their fingers. He watched with worry as the expression on her face turned to sadness. “My love, are you well?"

She looked at him and then her eyes fell towards the fireplace on the far side of the room and the woman’s portrait above it. “They always told me that my mother was murdered, but I’ve never heard my father speak of her like this.” She looked back to the letter, her nerves on end as she continued reading. “The dark days I’ve dreamt are not far Curran, God has called us as the gifted and protectors of the next generations. I journey to Lord Prince Andrew, baring the news of the truth seekers. They are not as they seem.”

"My Lady, you have my sympathies that you had to find out this way about your family's situation," Aquilon said, trying to be as tactful as possible. "This last line, though, it gives us a clue as to where to go from here. That the truth seekers are a source of trouble is well known, but a journey to meet with Lord Prince Andrew may be in order. He likely has the information we seek.”

“Agreed, though I think we should go through the rest of these letters.” She finished reading the letter. She had been 10 years old when her mother died, so she was able to grasp when the letter was written. Other letters were similar in nature, speaking of deaths and distrust of the truth seekers.

Her face was streaked with tears from the emotions caused by reading the letters. For the first time, she understood the love triangle between her parents and uncle. She had answers; unfortunately, she also had new questions.

“I’ve got to get out of here.” She folded the letters back up and returned them neatly to the drawer. “Yes, we should make our way to the Lord Prince.”

"Then let us be off. I intend to see this through," Aquilon said. He was amazed at where the past few days had brought him. For so long he had been hiding and merely surviving. Finally, he was in a position to actually do some good. It was a great feeling to be moving forward but he still felt some fear about what the future held.

"Then we ride," Chauni said.

At the stables, she mounted a bay colored mare, fresh from the stalls. Without hesitation, she took off following the path she had taken earlier. Her mind was on the letters. The Bontecou's, Delaney, the Truth-Seekers, all were mentioned in them. Whatever the reasons were, whatever the connections, her instincts suspected that plots that were being woven around them.
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Lord Curran
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by Lord Curran »

OOC - Curran w Liam - JP

The ride to the capitol was quite. Hubert had taken to ride beside the carriage with his mistress, having been excluded from the conversation between Liam and Curran once Liam made it clear he regarded Hubert with suspicion.

Liam moved his horse closer to Curran. "I need to speak with you once we stop at the town ahead and get Hubert and his mistress settled."

Curran gave a faint nod. "Perhaps if you do not mind the comforts of Mother Nature, we could send the carriage on ahead and let us slumber under the stars and a warm campfire."

Liam's smiled. "Excellent suggestion, I'll let you propose it to Hubert. I'm sure his mistress will agree with you."

Curran chuckled. "All I need is to mention it to the driver." He pulled on the reins to his mount and allowed the carriage to catch up to them. With a whistle, he spoke softly to the driver who nodded and then moved forward. With Hubert barking demands to know what was happening, he kept going towards town. The group reduced to the two of them.

Liam had to laugh at the look on Hubert's face. "Well played!"

He grinned. It was what he liked most about Curran; his ability to take care of things in a hurry. "Come, let's stop here. There is something I must discuss with you."

Curran knew the terrain well, guiding his horse off the main road; he found a clearing and dismounted, removing the saddle and gear from his trusty stead he patted her on the shoulder. "Good old Destiny. I should retire you soon my friend." Stepping around her, he rubbed her forehead and gave her a kiss in the center of her blazon star. "Perhaps when we return to the Chateau." Patting her again, he turned to gather sticks and twigs with some moss to build a fire. "What preys on your mind, Liam?"

"J does." Liam removed the saddle from his gelding, Dusty, and began rubbing him down.

"That troublesome lad," Curran said. With a faint chuckle, he set the kindling to burn and settled on the ground, leaning back against his saddle. "And what has the whelp done that worries you so?"

Liam sat and regarded Curran. He wondered if Curran knew J was gifted, probably not. J was so tight-lipped about things it was scary. "It's not J but what was going on during our little skirmish. Didn't you notice anything odd about the way they attacked?"

Curran looked up with a raised brow. "They're an odd lot indeed."

"Yes, true, but think about it, Curran. Who do they go for? I mean truly go for?" Liam was hoping Curran would realize the same thing he had.

Curran stroked his beard, it was his way of showing that he was in contemplation. He thought back to the ambush, other incidents and threats made. His thoughts settled on Chauni and his eyes went wide.

He looked startled as he set his eyes on Liam. "They hunt for our women!"

"Very good; I've been receiving disturbing rumors from my intelligence agents. The truth seekers have decided that to stop gifted ones from multiplying, they must kill off the women."

Curran slowly removed his hand from his beard. "But that is pointless, Chauni's father was the gifted one, not her mother. The parent does not matter, as long as one is gifted. This we know and have seen."

"Yes, we know this, but it matters not to them. Remember the church still teaches that women are unclean and the cause of all sin. So why not blame women for everything? But that is not what troubles me most about the attack."

Curran smirked, poking a stick at the fire to stir the flames. "It was peculiar that they did not go after Lady Sedgwick. I know for truth that she too is of the gifted."

"Yes, but she does not have the strength that you or Lady Chauni or even I possess. Where J is concerned, it was the attackers in the back determined to capture J."

That got Curran's attention; he set up, bending up one leg and resting his arm on it. "That is peculiar."

"I wish it were that my friend. One of the guards, who was close to them during the fight said that one of the attackers spoke to J and that the attacker was allowed to escape. Now, you know J as well as I do. He never leaves attackers alive because they have a nasty habit of trying for you again. My question is this, why did J break his own cardinal rule?"

"You don't think J could be involved with those ruffians, do you?"

"I honestly don't know. I wouldn't think so, considering the fact that J is gifted too."

"Then what? Tell me, Liam, what is the full suspicion you harbor?" Curran steeled his eyes on his old friend, seeing the weight on his soul.

"I think that J is somehow mixed in with this and that he holds all the secrets. J and whatever secret or secrets he harbors that has made the truth seekers get bold and attack in daylight."

"Then perhaps the time has come to corral this youth and get the answers we seek?"

"You just tried that last night and it didn't go well. I was surprised that you used your gift on him. J's always been mistrustful and doing that to him isn't going to help." Liam added.

"Surely there must be a way to get through to him."

"I don't know how. J is a tough one, has been through a lot. Tell me, what did you see in his mind?" Liam was curious. Judging by the looks on both their faces it had been bad. How bad he didn't know but if it was going to affect the Lord Prince then he needed to know.

Curran was silent as he reflected on his journey through the young gifted mind. Bringing up each image one at a time, he focused on the faces. “There were images of spying on Hubert and his wench with a cloaked figure. Then there was this hideous, unforgiving and cold laughter that felt like pure evil incarnate. There are many people involved in this from Lord Prince Andrew to Shadow and Chauni.”

"It is as I feared." Liam thoughtfully stroked his beard. "The dark times are closer than we wanted them to be. You said there was hideous, unforgiving, cold laughter. Did you get a face to match it?"

Curran shook his head. "Alas no, he was merely a form in the shadows of a clouded mind."

"Well, I know Hubert is in this conspiracy up to his evil eyeballs. What I can't figure out is what Lady Sedgwick’s part is? There are too many variables and not enough to make them balance out." Liam sighed.

"J should reach the capital before us. I can send a messenger in the morning, asking Andrew to detain him until we arrive. Them maybe, between the three of us we can get the lad to talk." He stretched out, crossing on ankle over the other making himself comfortable against the large tree behind him. "As for Lady Sedgwick, she is a peculiar woman indeed. I wonder if Hubert knows that she's gifted."

"I can guarantee you that he does. He's been collecting them you know, the more unsavory ones," Liam added. "I've got runners and other gifted keeping tabs on his movements."

On his friend's words, Curran realized that his friend knew things he did not. "Collecting the more unsavory ones? Now, why do you suppose that is? If you care to include your old friend on what you know."

Liam's smile disappeared. "You know some of the younger sons who don't have chances at being master of the manor? He's been cultivating them; whispering things in their ears, urging them to do things for him so that they may become the one to inherit title and land. The problem is we can't find the physical evidence needed to arrest him. By the time we find the informants or get tips, he's already gone and the trail is dead."

Curran rapped his fingers on his knee, speculated what his friend was saying. He contemplated his words carefully for it meant revealing his own agenda. “Between the two of us perhaps we can gain our own favors with accomplishment.”

"I hope so. I will not commit to anything until this is resolved. I don't see why not. Andrew has been discussing something of this nature with me for the last five years."

“Perhaps we can meld the current problems in with my ideas as a sort of project for the onset of what I have planned. What I mean to say is that I have a design that would help elevate the problems and it is something that can be carried through future generations.”

"I'm listening." Liam was intrigued. Even as young lads growing up, Curran had always had some great ideas.

Curran chuckled and raised a brow. "Ah, my friend that is a conversation for another day." He looked to the trees above as an owl hooted. "For now, settle in and sleep. Our rest will be guarded and in the morn, when we reach the prince, all will be revealed."
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by J »

OOC- J & introducing Bram - JP

J rode back to the chateau. He couldn’t believe he had forgotten about Maria. He rode through the secret entrance and was greeted by Shadow. "Is she awake?"

"She left yesterday," Shadow said.

J frowned. "Very well. I see I have some catching up to do. Thank you, Shadow." J gave him a mocking bow and leaped back up on Diablo who reared and then raced from the chateau.

It took several hours but finally, J managed to pick up Maria’s trail. However, it went cold and he was left frustrated. He rode before he spotted something in the distance. He decided to investigate when he saw the horse running.


Bram looked around as he galloped across the open setting. He thought back to what had happened several hours ago when he had run into a woman on horseback. She had been rather curt with him when directing him in this direction. People in this land were strange. He shook the thought from his head as the winds told of another on his path. He looked around but found no one.


"Diablo, into the trees. I know a shortcut," J urged and Diablo obliged and went into the foliage.

It took him five minutes but they reemerged near a road. J smirked and counted down. "5...4...3...2...1."

Bram looked up to realize someone had stepped out into the middle of the road. He reared he horse up to stop and nearly lost his seat. Luckily he had the winds push against his back to keep him supported. Once the horse had settled, he looked over to the man, "What business do you have with me, that you would risk being trampled by my horse?"

"The same business that led me to this place looking for a woman. Instead, I find you," J replied, his hood pulled up around his face.

"I see, then no introductions are necessary," Bram said. "What pleasure do I have for your company?"

"You've had the pleasure before only you probably have forgotten, just like I did." J nudged his heel into Diablo's side, directing him to trot closer to Bram.

"Do you not remember the Dead Bear's Pub in jolly old England?" J said with a sarcastic laugh as he waited for recognition to dawn. "You were in search of something and I needed help."

Bram jumped off the horse as he realized who was standing next to him. " Josiah! Why of all the people, I cannot believe it is you, It has been too long and you are right, I had forgotten." He put out his hand to shake. "How long's it been? Two or three years since that forgettable journey? The one where we found nothing but a pile of rocks and a forest covered in sniveling apprentice bandits."

J chuckled as he shook Bram's hand. "You have changed too. You are more muscles now. What have they been feeding you to make you so large?"

"Not enough to keep my hunger for adventure at bay," Bram said. "Not so long after you left, I decided to find my own way. I went back to Sir Britannia for a bit to become a stronger. That was about half a year. Once I had finished, I set out for adventure." He looked over to see the black stallion that stood, waiting for Josiah's return. "So tell me, what adventures have you been on that would lead you across such a noble steed?"

"Diablo was a gift and he is priceless. I have been running errands here and there. Doing my usual thieving ways. You know how it is. I think the only reason why you and I did get along was the fact you took no exception to my profession and I liked you enough not to use it on you. But now I'm on my way to the capital. I am trying to save lives. If you have nothing better to do, would you care for another adventure?"

"I would not have it any other way," Bram said. "Lead the way, my good friend."

J chuckled. "To adventure and mayhem!" He swung himself back up into the saddle.

As Bram followed Josiah, he settled upon remembering back to when they had had their adventure, or at least, that is what they called it. He remembered the sights, the sounds, and the disappointments. He shook his head. Despite the failure of the mission, he remembered how he had called it one of his best adventures. Perhaps it was because of the mutual hunger for adventure the two shared, but he never found anyone that became his friend. "My apologies, but my mind has a yearning for answers. What brought you to return to your thieving ways?"

"The land baron, Lord Curran Bontecou saved my life once and I've been working to pay him back ever since. He didn't want me to but I insisted. It was the least I could do."

J mused on that fateful moment but then pushed it back. Now was not the time. He had to slip back into being Josiah. "I seem to incur debt wherever I go," he laughed as he kept Diablo to a steady pace.

"I see," Bram said. He looked ahead of them, towards the town that was rose from the horizon. "So, who are we saving this time?"

"Lord Prince Andrew," J said as he slowed Diablo to a halt and looked at the town. "We can stay here for the night. In the morning we ride hard. Time is against us." J looked at the horizon and wondered if he would be able to stop the plans against the Regent. He was going to have some hard choices to make and he was going to make damn sure that no one suffered because of him.

"Of course, but tonight, we celebrate our reunion like there is no tomorrow," replied Bram. He then took off at a gallop and yelled over his shoulder, "Race you to the pub. Loser buys."

J chuckled. "Let's go!" He gently heeled Diablo who chased after Bram and his horse.

Diablo slowly pulled ahead of Bram's horse and J had to laugh. Diablo could be very competitive when he chose to be.

Bram looked over with a chuckle, "If that's the best you can do, then you are truly defeated!" And with that, Bram called on the winds to part. He used this opportunity to let him speed up faster, with almost no wind friction. He looked back and laughed, "Hope you have been saving your money!"

J growled. "No fair! You cheated!"

Diablo whinnied and increased his speed, determined to catch them.

"Rule number one; there are no rules!" Bram said.

"Ha!" J called and then did something he hadn't done in public. He focused his energy and pictured himself and Diablo, twenty feet in front of Bram. The pair suddenly disappeared from their spot behind Bram and reappeared in front of him.

Bram slowed, looking in astonishment at what had happened. In all the time he had known the man, he was never aware that Josiah had powers of his own. This, however, did not detour him, as he summoned all of the winds to lift him and his horse up off the ground, and proceeded to race through the sky and pass Josiah. Seeing the town within sight, he lowered his horse onto the ground before anyone could see.

J was fuming and Diablo was neighing his irritation as the pair came to halt beside Bram. Diablo was lathered in sweat, a first for him, and J breathed hard but his expression was thunderous. "Next time you want no rules, say so at the beginning!" J was irritated at the defeat. No one had beaten him in a while and he didn't like it.

Bram laughed, "My friend, you of all people should know how it works. Just because it is not mentioned, does not mean it does not apply." He patted J on the back, "Anyway, I must ask about that little trick that you pulled. Have you had these powers for long? I was sure you never mentioned anything about them back in London."

J looked flustered, another first for him. "It's nothing. I don't use the power. And I've had it for a little while. When you have a power, you rely on it too much. When it gets taken away you're sunk. So I learned not to rely on it unless I absolutely have to."

"I see," Bram said. "Well, I suppose it does well for you. I thought you were quite strong, long before I knew about your powers. Have you any other powers?"

"No, just the one. And I wouldn't wish more powers on anyone. They are nothing but trouble," J said.

"Perhaps," Bram looked out towards the horizon and its setting sun. "Yet, there are times when I doubt I would have progressed this far without them." He turned towards Josiah. "You may see them as a burden. I see them as a tool to get what I desire." He sighed, "We both have our own opinions about them, yet neither are wrong." He got back up on his horse, "Let us continue this conversation later. I believe I set a reward for the winner of our race."

J had to laugh at that. "You always did have a one-way mind. Yes, I'm buying and don't worry; I have enough coin to cover your appetite."

Bram returned the laugh, "My mind has high doubts about that and my stomach is preoccupied at the moment to comment on that remark." He turned his horse towards the town and started at a slow trot. Letting the winds talk to him, they reassured him that times would be good and full of adventure. He saw a pub that was suitable and stopped to wait for Josiah.

J kept Diablo at a moderate pace, now that the thrill of the race had worn off. He was thinking on Bram's words. Had he been wrong about not using his powers more? "Nah," he muttered as they entered the town.

It took J a few moments but then he realized something was very wrong. There was no loud talking and people were moving about in furtive ways. Eye contact was avoided and J felt the distinct oppressive air. He wasn't sure what but it wasn't a good thing.

Bram noticed Josiah looking around, and did the same. He sighed and shook his head, silently cursing the winds. He knew they were fickle, but he had not learned to be skeptical about them.

He focused his attention back to Josiah as they reached an inn. "This looks good enough for the night. Any qualms about my decision?"

"None. I have your back you have mine. Just pick a place and let's settle in," J growled as Diablo shifted closer to Bram's horse. And the sooner I could be on guard., J thought as he watched people scurry about like frightened animals.

Bram moved closer to Josiah and whispered, "Any idea of what may have this town and its condition?"

"I don't know but it's making my skin crawl. This is the inn I usually stay in." J led the way to it and then went in. The tavern was nearly deserted and J's feelings of unease increased. He spotted his friend, Nathaniel at the counter.

"Nathaniel, how fare you?"

Nathaniel threw a finger up to his lips and shook his head.

J frowned but then his gaze shifted his gaze to where Nathaniel point. He almost panicked, almost. Hanging above their head was a thing. There was no way to describe such a monstrous thing. J didn't keep his eyes on it long but he held up an arm to stop Bram from moving any further. "We find your accommodations lacking sir. We shall find another place to stay," J said loudly, his eyes on Nathaniel who winked twice, the sign that meant go to the barn where he would give them information.

Bram found himself being pushed outside. Feeling the wind saying something ominous, he did not object to returning to his horse. He followed Josiah's lead as they returned to their horses.

J led them around back and into the barn. He wrapped the reins around the hitching post then stood to lean against it. "Nathaniel will be here in a moment."

Bram nodded but did not say anything. He was still foreign to this land and was not about to do or say anything that would become problematic in the future. Standing there for a moment, he fell back into his thoughts. He wondered what was the matter with the town, and what troubles lay in front of them.

J tensed and pulled a dagger but relaxed with Nathaniel appeared from around the barn.

"Thank the Lord you made it! You always were uncanny when it came to trouble. Our town' is under siege. They claim to be truth-seekers. They have a pet that only the gifted can see. You saw it, right?"

Bram looked confused as he listened. He had not noticed anything strange about the tavern, only that the winds breathed nervously. Perhaps it was the fact that he had not gotten that far into the tavern. In any case, he asked, "What did you see? I had not been able to look inside the tavern for very long, so I am not sure what it is you speak of."

"It was a creature," J spat out, hatred in his voice. "The truth-seekers do vile experiments on the gifted and turn them into- things. And sometimes they summon other things."

"This is true," Nathaniel said. "They have one of their creatures here and it's been terrorizing us. None can leave. J, I hate to ask this of you and your friend but we need help."

J wasn't sure he wanted to do this but on the same token, Nathaniel was one of the closest things he had to a friend.

"From what I hear, these 'truth seekers' are that of an annoying gnat that must be swatted." Bram noticed the fire raging in Josiah's eyes. "If there is anything I may do to help, do not hesitate to ask."

"Fine, we strike at dark for it will be our ally," J said. "Nathaniel go before they hunt you. We'll do what we can and then we must continue on to the capital."

Seeing Nathaniel part ways with them, Bram focused on Josiah, "Something bothers you, my friend. Have these truth-seekers done something personal towards you?"

J stiffened. "Leave it alone, Bram. I mean it. Some things are better left in the past. Let's just take this thing down. The truth-seekers will run without their pet and then we can be on our way."

"Fair enough," Bram said. "I take it that you've dealt with the creature before. So, I leave it to you to figure out how to take care of it."

"We can kill it with fire. There is a field near the end of town. If we can lure it there, we can take it out."

"Very well. If the grass is dry enough, I can ignite it with some lightning. I'll head to the field now, and make the preparations. Since you're more experienced with the dark and becoming invisible whenever you want, would it be too much to ask if you were to lead him out there?"

J gave a wry grin. "I didn't plan on anyone else doing it. Diablo will follow you and I can always find him. May the Lord protect you," J said as he gave Diablo an affectionate pat on the nose. "Keep him safe."

Diablo snorted, butted J once and then turned to stare at Bram.

J chuckled and went to capture the monster.


Bram followed the horse out of the town and into the field. He looked around as the sun finally fell below the horizon. He centered himself and found the necessary winds to make the thunder. Once finished, he looked back at the town. He hoped Josiah would be all right. He had just reunited with his friend and would be saddened if Josiah were to leave again.

J crept back into the inn, daggers out and at the ready. He hid in the shadows and watched. He could hear the low rumble of voices and then a thump. He only had the one warning and then the skittering sound of the monstrosity running across the floor.

J winced at its unearthly shriek and then sprinted toward the door. As he had anticipated he heard its cry and then the creature was chasing him. He ran hard and teleported every twenty feet. He hoped Bram was ready.


Diablo snorted and then stomped hard to get Bram's attention.

Bram looked up, shaking himself from his thoughts. He noticed something in the distance coming towards them. Sensing it was who he thought it was, he raised his hands towards the sky and the winds began to whirl and whip about him. A crack of thunder could be heard from above. He waited for Josiah's signal.

J grew tired. It had been a while since he had teleported and this would teach him to practice more often. He just had a few more feet to go. He was bowled over and fought to keep the grotesque creature from biting off his arm. He heard Diablo whinny as he slashed at the creature. "Bram hit it now!" He yelled.

Not taking long to react, Bram thrust his hand forward, sending a bolt of lightning at the field next to where Josiah battled with the creature. As soon as the bolt struck the ground, the grass ignited into a large wall of fire.

"Throw it into the fire!" Bram yelled.

J bucked hard and the creature went flying into the fire with a hideous screech. J slapped his hands over his ears and doubled over in pain. He didn't even feel the blood running from his nose. The dying scream, it sounded familiar and with it the onset of dark memories he longed to forget.

Bram held his hands over his ears to block out the horrible screams. When they had stopped, he raised his hand to the sky again and forced it to rain on the area, putting the fire out. Bram walked over to Josiah, handing him a piece of cloth, "Are you all right?"

"Just peachy," J groaned and held the cloth to his nose. "Let's get out of here. Nathaniel owes me big time for this but I'm not staying around to collect." J pulled himself into Diablo's saddle and wearily held on to the reins.

"Very well," Bram said. He was worried about Josiah, but he would not argue at the moment, as the town they were leaving did not settle well with them.

J grunted and nudged Diablo north, toward the capital.
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by Prince Andrew »

Introducing Regent Prince Andrew

Regent Prince Andrew stood with his hands held behind his back. He looked out the window in the throne room. For the moment he relished the silence. He turned towards the thrones and grew pensive. His advisors clamored at him to marry but he had no wish to do so. He often wondered how different life would be once he did. , or now though, it wasn't for him.

He sighed and his thoughts turned to his friend and the Constable of the Bontecou lands, Liam Deveraux. The task of having sent for him had been a success, as well as passing on the letter. At this point, he was left to wonder if Liam had reached Curran. He hoped that Curran would come. The province was on its way to a civil war if he couldn’t gather his allies and stop the madness from spreading. The death of Aaron Bontecou, Lord of House Bontecou would not sit well with the king. Nor would civil unrest.

He had hoped the truth-seekers would see things his way. They had served him well over the years. It was their internal conflicts that were troubles he did not need. He suspected it was their internal strife that fed into the threat of civil war. Still, they kept appearing, strife and struggle among the ranks and innocent people were being hurt.

It was clear to Andrew that a fracture was forming among the Truth Seekers. There were those who bided in the Lord and the Truth of their path. And then there were those who worked in darkness and the shroud of secrecy. Though their faces were unknown, their deeds were witnessed by the aftermath.

It was the reason for his letter to Curran, he had become wise to truth of the split and the strife that resulted. Whoever the evil Seekers were they did not target only the gifted. Even normal humans were subjected as the Truth-Seekers swept the land, looking for innocents to blame and destroy.

He heard the door open and raised his head. He kept his expression neutral when he saw Cardinal Bourreau enter. He truly detested the man and his warlike ways. Andrew merely tolerated him for the sake of the people who looked to him for spiritual guidance. It turned his stomach that a man of the cloth had such dark, deceptive ways.

“My Lord Prince, time is almost upon us for the weekly hearings. The peasants have lined up and are waiting for their cases to be heard.” Bourreau said.

Andrew nodded. “Yes, it's time. Summon the guards and let's begin.”

“As you wish, sire,” Bourreau said. He bowed his head and stepped out the way he had come.

Andrew rubbed at his eyes. He often wondered what his life would have been like if he had not accepted the appointment to the Regent. The King of France trusted him and the people of De Versailles believed in him. He did have a moment of worry. He was vulnerable with his small dispatch of Musketeers ordered to the king’s side.

He hoped that his messengers Liam and the thief J, had succeeded. He hated to be the sender of bad news but there wasn’t much else he could do. Even his gifted trackers were having trouble locating the killers.

J, now there was a mystery. The little ruffian had turned out to be quite useful. Still wild and very much of the streets. He was ideal for watching and gaining information. As odd as it seemed J, also had the quirk of pledging loyalty and trust to those who earned it. Andrew counted himself fortunate to have earned that right, thanks in part to Liam. This had given him one more ally in an otherwise hostile world.

He could hear the people approach and held to his neutral expression. Sitting on the throne he prepared for the judging hour.
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by Lord Havenport »

Hubert had not been pleased when Liam and Curran had ordered him on ahead. He believed they were plotting, he could feel it. But that didn’t matter. So was he.

He smiled as he thought. Stupid Curran, he thought he had the world bowing and scraping at his feet but if everything went according to plan, the world would crumble beneath him and I would be there to pick up the pieces and reign supreme.

They stopped at the fancier inn and were shown to their rooms. Hubert sneered up his nose. The room was acceptable but he was used to a higher caliber of lodgings. Of course, what could one expect from people on Curran’s lands?

He heard two taps and then silence and growled, “Enter.”

Countess Elizabeth Sedgwick glided in. “I’m glad they decided to camp out. If Liam had stared any harder I might have turned to stone,” she mocked as she sat in the chair, fixing her skirts just so, her ample bosom practically spilled out of her bodice.

Hubert ignored her. She was decent in bed but he’d had better. What he liked about her was her desire for power and control. He used it to his advantage. She was gifted, marginally so, but still useful.

“The men failed. They didn’t kill their targets nor did they get his niece.”

“True, but I wasn’t expecting them to have help, either. And the thief, he was surprising too. He joined the fight and that only confirms my suspicions that Curran and the brat are connected,” Hubert mused as he stared out the window and the approaching night.

“I tried to tell you, as did the others that the thief is special.” Elizabo slid seductively out of her chair. She walked up and laid her head against Hubert’s back. “I have a new secret for you.”

Hubert stiffened, his eyes narrowed and he almost turned around but he made himself hold still. Let her play her games. When it was all done she would die and he would have it all.

“Josiah is a special thief. There are rumors that Lord Prince Andrew employs his services,” she purred.

Hubert growled. “What?”

Elizabo smirked as she rested against Hubert’s back. What she wasn’t prepared for was Hubert roughly grabbing her and jerking her from behind him to face him.

“Don't play games with me woman, for even your delectable body will not save you from my wrath!”

She tensed in his grip. “You’re hurting me!”

“Good! Now you know I am serious. Who told you the brat was working for Lord Prince Andrew?”

“One of the runners from the palace. I thought it too ridiculous to be believed. It would violate his policies concerning criminals.”

Hubert released her to rub his jaw. “No wonder the thief keeps eluding my trackers. If Lord Prince Andrew is protecting him it makes no sense. He has a warrant out for the thief’s arrest. Perhaps your information is faulty,” he said.

Elizabo glared at him. “I only pass on what I hear.” With that retorted she stormed out of his room.

Hubert frowned. Something was wrong with this picture. He had to find the missing pieces and then he would continue as planned.
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by Lord Curran »

OOC - Curran w Liam, & Maria - JP

She was like the very air itself, breezing through the forest without making a sound or leaving a trace. She had to deliver her message and soon. Lives hung in the balance. She was proud of the fact she had mastered her gifts, Lord Curran had taught her well. Now she was repaying the favor by way of information.

Liam had woken before Curran and watched the area. The place was quiet, too quiet. A sense of instinct made him turn to his left, drawing his sword, he froze. It was a young woman. But not one he immediately recognized. "Curran," he jabbed at Curran with his boot.

Curran came awake in a mental fog; he looked over his shoulder with a grunt and a groan. "Leave me be I'm dreaming." He laid his head back and tried returning to his slumber.

The girl hadn't moved with her eyes on Curran, a smile on her face.

"Damn it, Bontecou," Liam snapped and grabbed the bucket of cold water and dumped it on Curran.

The land baron came to life, jumping to his feet and returning the favor. In a single swoop, he snatched up the second buck and flung the temped water on Liam. The water had been intended for dousing the campfire, but both knew it also served well for quick awakenings.

Liam tried to duck away from the water yet found himself drenched instead. They laughed as they came to their senses.

"Lord Curran, I see you haven't changed," the girl said.

"Now, who dares wake me?" Curran huffed, looking around, his eyes settling on the girl. He smiled to see her, one of his first success stories. "Maria, what brings you this night?"

"Business my lord, and none of it good. J and his traveling companion, a man named Bram, encountered the Truth Seekers east of here. They engaged them and one of their pets. It wasn't a pretty sight, my lord."

"The Truth Seekers again?" Curran asked. "They're more trouble than they’re worth."

"My lord, J set up an ambush and the creature followed," Maria said. "It was Paraffin. The bastards turned him into that thing."

Curran wrung the water from his shirt, shaking the excess from his hands. He smoothed his hair back "Dare I ask what remains of Paraffin?"

Liam watched warily. He prayed that Curran would keep his temper. He had known Paraffin. He'd been a likable young man, quiet but likable. He also knew the boy was one of Curran’s favorites, among those who held the greatest potential.

Maria sighed and came to stand close to Liam. "Nothing, my lord, J's companion, Bram, called lightning down from the heavens and incinerated him."

Curran looked up towards the night sky and then clenched his fist. With his eyes closed, he barely looked back to them. "If it's war the Seekers wish, then they need to declare it."

He turned to them as he sensed that they were not alone. He spoke with purpose and volume. "Let them wage their war and we shall break down their charges," Bringing his eyes to settle on the two, he then looked around, "Let the Truth-Seekers know this, lest they lose what honor they retain."

Maria blanched and Liam took a step back.

"I think he's angry," Maria whispered.

"You, think?" Liam said as he looked towards the trees.

"I can't hold this form any longer," Maria said. Her astral form wavered.

Liam blinked but he didn't see anything. The presence was gone and so was Maria. "Damn." He turned. "Curran! Maria's vanished. I think she had more to say but she couldn't hold the form."

Seeing her gone, Curran took a deep breath and looked Liam with that knowing smirk of his. "Sleep will have to wait. We must ride."
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by J »

J was dreaming again. Sometimes he would do that. Fall asleep in the saddle and then his mind would call forth the nightmares he fought to keep locked away during the day. Seeing the creature hadn’t made it better. Knowing who the creature used to be had made it even worse. The screech of its death had sent a ripple through J’s mind and body. The pain had reminded him of a different time when he heard that same sound followed by terrible agony. He felt bad about snapping at Bram but if he ever told what they had done to him. He wouldn't let himself go there. Bram went on the warpath and J cringed to think what Curran would do. But his mind still forced him to the memory of one specific week.

~ One year ago ~

J ran. He was so panicked that he did something he never did, use one of his abilities for personal reasons. In this case, teleporting. No matter how fast he ran and teleported, he could hear them on his trail. It was times like this he wished he had his stallion, Diablo, but Diablo had become lame and was recovering in a stable in another part of the town.

He should have known that this would happen. From the beginning, it had smelled like a setup. But J, well, he couldn’t resist a challenge and any chance he could manage to torment his nemesis, Lord Hubert, was worth the risk.

He teleported again and felt fatigue seep into his bones. He had to get out of this town and to Liam Deveraux to deliver his news. They were plotting against Lord Prince Andrew. He couldn’t let it happen. And the things they had planned for Curran and Chauni made his stomach churn. No, he was going to fix the problem but first he had to lose their pets. Rounding a corner he skidded to a halt with a curse. He saw them then, the hooded figures of the truth-seekers who were holding the leashes to two monstrous dog men that had been created through their demonic experiments.

“Ah, good evening to you, fellows,” J mocked while trying to figure out a way out of the alley they were in. He knew instinctively that he didn’t have enough energy for another teleport. He was going to have to use his wits.

“You have run out of room, boy!” the lead Truth-seeker snarled.

“I think not,” J leaped to the wall and climbed it with inhuman agility.

“After him!” The leader hollered.

The leashes were released and the dog men ran to the wall, claws extending and slamming into the brick to climb after the fleeing youth.

“Aw, hell's bells!” J growled. He gained the roof and began running and then leaping from building to building. His legs felt like they were on fire and his breath was wheezing in his chest. He needed to rest! Relentless bastards! Oh, why had he ever spied on them? He saw the last building and gathering his waning strength he pushed off and felt himself become airborne.

He yelped when something slammed into him from above sending him crashing into the building below, knocking the breath out of him. J lay there stunned, his chest on fire. He couldn’t even summon the breath to make a smart-ass comment to the Truth-Seeker leader who kicked him hard in the ribs doubling him over.

J winced when he felt a few of them crack. Damn it, now I'm going to be laid up for a while. Any other thoughts he had were stopped when the leader cold-cocked him and knocked him unconscious.

When he woke, J realized several hours had gone by because it was now dark outside. He tried to sit up but froze, choked by the collar around his neck. Gingerly, he turned his head and cursed long and hard when he saw that a chain was hooked to it and attached to the wall.

He wasn’t going to panic yet. He started to move his hand to check on his injuries and felt a familiar weighted tug. He shut his eyes and counted to ten. He opened them and looked down. His hands and feet were bound. The situation looked grim.

Maybe he could teleport out of his bonds. He felt rested and attempted to concentrate. His focus vanished when a blinding pain slammed through his brain and screamed. He leaned against the wall and felt tears stream from his eyes. Hastily he wiped them away when the door opened. The bright light that lit up his cell momentarily blinded him. He frowned. He didn’t recognize the woman but it was the giant, hooded person who walked in that made J shiver in fear. The person reeked of evil. And evil freaked J out more than anything else.

“There's the bothersome little insect,” the woman hissed, anger and malice shone brightly in her eyes.

J gave her a defiant glare back. “Who you calling an insect?”

“Why you little...” She took a step toward him but the hooded figure held up an arm, stopping her in her tracks.

“Really, Lady Sedgwick. Control yourself.”

J’s gaze sharpened. So the figure was a man. Whoever he was, he had an accent that J did not recognize. That didn’t bode well either.

“Oh, and as for using that annoying gift of yours to teleport, it’s useless. Drugs and a power to suppress psionic abilities is a habit of mine. You thief. You will be useful to me. But for now, it is time that you learn what true pain is.”

“Do your worst,” J challenged.

“Oh, believe me, boy, I intend to.”

J felt a chill creep down his spine. This was going to be bad.

~ 2 days later ~

J hung limply in the chains supporting his wrists. They had stretched out his bound limbs until he felt pain in his joints. Then the beatings had begun. At first, he had been silent but when they shifted through various instruments of pain including whips, belts, and switches, he had felt the cries wrenched from his throat until he couldn’t scream anymore and still they continued.

He was thirsty and hungry but no one cared. All they wanted was information and his screams. He cringed as the rusty door was pushed open and the man entered. J had yet to see his face but he knew well the feel of the man’s hand as it had been used to backhand J on several occasions.

“Not so cocky now, are you, boy? I’m amazed you have resisted this long. Loyalty in a thief, I find it amusing.” He walked over and forced J’s chin up. “Do you think that your pitiful Lord Bontecou or even Marshal Deveraux would save your ass if you were to be arrested? Do you think they care? They're using you, poor boy, and you think they actually like you.”

J glared at the man and was rewarded for it by a hard slap. He spat at the man. “No one uses me. I do what I do because I owe them. You’re just jealous you can’t trust your associates,” J countered.

“Who said I needed associates? Greed and lust, such powerful motivators. Those traits one usually finds in a thief. Amazing that you lack those qualities. Which begs the question, what are you hiding?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” J sneered.

“Indeed, I will know. Now, let’s see,” the man said as he pulled out the cat-o-nine tails and beat J with it.

"Stop it!" J lasted through six passes and then began screaming in earnest as the pain increased. “You stupid son of a bitch!”

The man paused. “I see that this no longer motivates you. No matter. I have something else for you to use, something more, permanent.”

J struggled against his bonds. He didn’t like the sound of that. Then he heard the crackle of a fire being stoked and his struggles became frantic.

He ignored J as he lifted each of the six brands that were heating in the fire and gazed at them. When he selected one he snapped his fingers and two bald men came in. “Hold him still.”

“No, no, no!” J cried but the two men gripped his struggling body.

The man waited until the brand was red hot then pulled it from the fire. He jerked J’s shirt up to reveal the youth’s belly. “Such a toned, beautiful body. It’s a shame to mar it.” Then he jammed the red-hot brand against J’s skin.

J screamed long and hard, tears flowed freely as the pain raced through all his nerves. Entwined with his screams was the mocking cold laughter of the hooded man.

~ Day 5 ~

J lay curled into a ball, shivering from the fever that raged through his body. He hurt, everywhere. The telepath they had burrowed through his mind, probing to learn about Curran and Chauni's powers; Andrew and Liam’s plans. He even dug through J's secrets and the parts of his mind that even J feared to tread.

The last part had produced much excitement among the truth-seekers and the hooded man had been even more relentless in torturing him. But J had nothing else to give. Finally, his weakened body had become sick and now he lay on the floor, still chained to the wall and suffering.

His eyes opened slightly when the door opened but then widened when he spotted someone he had not seen. The young man held a finger to his lips.

J laid his head down. He was too weak to fight anymore. All he wanted to do was die.

The young man placed a cool hand on J’s forehead. “It’s all right J, I’m a friend. Let’s get you out of here.

J didn’t even protest. If this were another trick of the hooded man he would just go along with it. And if they killed him in the end, that would be even better. He was ready for death. Then he felt rather than saw the male unchain him and then lift him gently in his arms. J didn’t fight or struggle. Delirium set in and he closed his eyes.

The man picked J up and hefted him over one shoulder as they left.

~ Present ~

Diablo’s whinny woke J who straightened and looked about. He could see the capital. Soon it would be over and he could forget his horrible memories. Absently, he rubbed the spot, right below his navel where he had been branded. Soon. Soon. He looked over at Bram. Maybe, just maybe, he could learn to trust people again, people like Bram who had shown him kindness without strings attached.
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by Cavalier »

The moon was high in the sky hidden behind a blanket of thick ominous cloud coverage. Chauni’s breath was hard, short, and gasping. Her back was pressed against a large oak tree, willingly trapped there by the one who stirred and ignited her blood. The heat of his breath coveted her neck melting what resolve she might have had if she even wanted it.

His hand reached for her neck. First, he gently caressed and then applied the pressure, increasing his strength until she struggled. Her breathing cut off changing the moment.

Confusion set in and then her survival instincts. Realizing he wasn’t who she thought he was, she froze when he whispered to her. “It’s better this way than being the scorn of society.”

She felt the burning jab of his dagger as he drove it into her, just missing her heart. Her fury ignited and she pushed him off. Flames shot from her burning hands setting him ablaze.

In that moment, Chauni bolted upright, catching her breath as she snapped from the nightmare of her memory. Her hands felt warm and she noticed singe marks on her cloak.

“That must have been some dream,” Micah said.

Startled by the sudden voice, Chauni looked up to see him sitting on the opposite side of the ember pile. “It was nothing.” Holding her hands out, she expelled the heat from her hand, reigniting the dying fire.

“That's useful.” He said.

“It works,” She shrugged it off and reached into the fire to adjust and shift the logs, adding more kindling to the small pyre. She sat back, watching her companion wondering why he offered to aide in her quest. She wondered how much he knew of hers and Curran’s plans secretly set in motion.

“Are you well?” Shadow asked.

“Yes, I am very well, thank you.” She grimaced and shifted her position as phantom pains from her old wound made their presence known. Closing her eyes, she settled herself into a meditative state.

The state did not last long, the serenity of their encampment was disturbed by a cloaked figure charging out of the darkness and snatching Chauni up by her cloak. This time, however, she was ready for him. As he pulled her up, she drew her sword from its hilt and swung at him. She slipped free of her cloak, rolled away from him and came up beside her companions. “Stand down, this is my fight!”

There was no other option; she was done with the games and death dealings between them. She turned to her nemesis. “You couldn’t stay away from me could you?”

“I should have completed the task I started five years ago.” He raised his hand, crooked and gnarled as it was, igniting a flame that danced between his fingers.

“You never learn,” Taking a stance in front of her friends, she spread her hands and held her arms low to her sides letting a shield of heat form to protect them. “You can hurt me but you'll never kill me.”

“Oh, we shall see Cavalier, we shall see.” He engrossed his flame, taking advantage of her limitations. He launched it upwards, directing it over the shield.

Chauni shifted, blocking the flame with her shield, absorbing its energy and turning her shield into a flaming sphere. “Some people never learn.” She portended to throw the fireball; instead, she squelched it in her hands, one cupped over the other.

“You think you’re so wise and all knowing,” He clipped his words as he spat to the ground. “Five years ago you were almost mine.”

“Only in your dreams,” She smirked. “Or are these fire stunts mere trickery of smoke and mirrors?”

“Just a few talents I’ve acquired here and there,” Holding up his hand, he produced a spark of lightning energy around himself. “Fortunately the original owners won’t be coming after me to reclaim them.”

Alarmed by what he confessed, she took several steps back. “How is this possible?”

“When the laws of nature change, anything is possible.” He danced the sphere in mid-air.
“Then again, Mother nature does tend to allow for evolution.”

“Evolution is gradual. You, sir, are a thief of gifts!”

He laughed at her observation, one hand taking hold of a medallion hanging from his neck while the other controlled the sphere. “And yours, my dear, are next.”

Now knowing what his true intentions were she did not want to give him the satisfaction. “Not tonight,” She threw up her hand, sent out a flash of light to blind him. Mounting Sooth, she sent another flame towards the small pyre, adding to it. She reigned in her mount, turned her away and took off with her companions riding astride them.


As impossible as it seemed, Chauni found herself waking again. She was curled up to the exposed roots of a grand oak and blanketed by Shadow’s cloak. Looking around in confusion, the bright sunlight from above only confused her more. And then she saw her love smile.

“Well, hello there sleepy head,” He leaned close and kissed her forehead. “Did you have pleasant dreams?”

With the veil of sleep drifting from her mind she sat up, accepting the cup of water Aquilon handed her. “Not really.”

“Come,” Micah called to her. “Let's eat before we reach the capital.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Shadow said.

“I can’t believe this, how long did I sleep?” Chauni gathered up the cape and returned it to Shadow as she joined them.

“Not long,” He said. “It was maybe a few moments.”

Finding herself filled with concern and suspicion, and a dose of fear, she gazed around their surroundings. It had not been the first time she dreamt of her adversary and the things he could do. And it only made her wonder if he had stolen yet another gifted one’s ability, one that affects the dreams of others. After all, she reasoned, if one could read minds it only made sense that there could be those who could affect dreams.
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Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by J »

OOC J w Bram - JP

J coughed to get Bram's attention, "We're almost there. We should make a detour to change clothes. I think I still have some of your stuff from our last adventure." He studied Bram's bulkier frame. "I hope they'll fit."

Bram gave him a perplexed look. "Is there any particular reason that we need to change?"

"I'm a wanted man, Bram. and you, well your accent gives you away. Please, just do this for me." J wasn't used to begging but his nightmare had rattled his usual sarcastic replies.

"No need to ask my friend. I simply wanted to know." He followed Josiah off into the woods and started to undress. He was not sure what to make of Josiah's changed attitude. He decided to ask, seeing that since they were good enough friends, they should not have any problems with sharing information. "I noticed that you have become ever so quiet these past several hours. Tell me; is there something wrong? Please, let me help you."

J emerged from behind his tree dressed in solid brown. Even his boots were dyed the same earth colored brown as the dirt around them. His cap was brown leather as well. “Yes, you are. I guess you truly are the only one. There is nothing wrong. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around everything that must be accomplished and there's so little time..." His voice trailed off as he looked into the distance towards the capital.

Bram came out from the brush, dressed in a navy tunic with simple embroidery, a pair of dark leather slacks, and black boots. "I see. Well then, now that we've changed, I think I'll treat you to a drink and some food. Let it be in thanks for luring that creature into the field."

J grunted and gestured for Bram to leave his horse. "We need to keep them here. Diablo will take care of your horse. I promise," he said.

"Not a problem my friend," Bram said as he gestured for Josiah to lead the way.

It did not take long before they were in the city. They stopped at the first pub. Inside, he walked up to the counter, "My good bartender, two steins of your finest mead, and two bowls of stew, please." He then took a seat at a table, waiting for Josiah to follow.

J slid into the seat and avoided making eye contact. Brown always made him look younger and that was what he wanted.

It was only several moments before the mead and stews arrived. Bram started to chew on a few bits, looking up to see if Josiah was eating as well. He was not sure why he was being so protective of the youth. Perhaps he saw him as a younger brother. Either way, he still felt something amiss with Josiah, but he would wait for the young man to say something. Too many questions and he would surely drive his friend away. He placed his bread down that he used to sop up the juice with. "How's your food? Any good?"

"Food is fine," J muttered though in truth it tasted like ash. He was getting that feeling again, the one that told him he had overstayed his welcome and needed to get the hell out of a place.

"I see," Bram said. He sighed as he could feel Josiah wanting to leave. Waving over the bar wench and placing several gold pieces in her hand, he stood. "We have finished. This shall supplement you plenty." Turning to Josiah he gestured towards the door. "Shall we leave now?"

J slid from his seat without a word and led the way back outside. He looked up and down the road. “This way," he murmured and started walking, making sure to keep a leisurely pace so as not to draw attention.

Bram looked around, yet he could not sense anything wrong in the town. Perhaps it was the winds being fickle yet again, or maybe Josiah had become paranoid. He got closer to Josiah and asked in a low voice. "Is something afoot?"

"I'm not sure. Let's go this way. I'll know for sure then." J began to wonder if he'd lost his mind or if his nightmares had spooked him into being overly cautious. Whatever the reason, he stayed on guard. He took them down an alleyway, went midway into it and stopped. His eyes swept about trying to find the threat his instincts told him existed.

Bram worried about his friend. "Josiah, perhaps we should find a place for you to rest. That beast has caused you much toil. You don't seem your usual self at the moment."

"Stop treating me like I'm stupid!" J snapped as he whirled and put his hands on hips, his gaze baleful. "I'm telling you, there's something..."

Bram was shocked by the outburst. "My apologies." He was not one to question others’ judgment, yet what else could he do with Josiah acting as he was.

Suddenly J lunged and knocked Bram to the ground sending them both rolling. In the spot where Bram had stood was an arrow with a thin wisp of smoke rising from it. "Poisoned arrows!" J hissed.

Bram looked towards the rooftops. "Who's doing this?"

"I don't know but we can't stay here to find out!" J snarled as he rolled the much heavier Bram out of the way of another arrow.

Bram stood and followed Josiah down the alley as they dodged the volley of arrows that were rained down on them. There was little he could do with his weather manipulation, as there was no clear target. He continued to follow Josiah, hoping to find some shelter. Seeing an open door he motioned for J to follow him.

J didn't hesitate to obey. He was hurting. One of the arrows had nicked him. But he wasn't going to tell Bram. He stood breathing hard in the doorway and watched more rain down from the sky. "Hell's bells!" he growled and gingerly leaned against the wall. If it were the kind of poison he thought it was, he would be paralyzed in about another twenty minutes. He had to get Bram away from this area before that happened.

"Are you all right?" asked Bram. "What sort of poison was on those arrows?"

"The kind that makes life rough," J quipped.

"I see," Bram said. "What should we do now? I don't think the ones hunting us will let up anytime soon. If you can teleport us to the rooftop, I think I can fire a lightning bolt at them."

"I don't think I have it in me," J said. He peered around the doorway and made a decision. "Never mind," he muttered, grabbed Bram's hand and focused on the rooftop. He felt a tearing sensation and then the usual disorienting spinning sensation. When he blinked they were on the rooftop. With a hand to his belly, he thought in surprise, that's new.

Bram looked around and found the suspect. A man looking down at the door waiting for them to reappear. With a flick of his hand, a bolt of lightning struck the archer, causing him to fall off the rooftop and land on the ground. Bram waited a moment to make sure the man was dead before turning to Josiah. His friend did not look very well. He grabbed the J's shoulders with a gentle shake to focus him. "Why didn’t you tell me you were shot? The poison is taking its effect. Is there an apothecary nearby?"

J's vision blurred, he mind swooned, and he could hear his slurred speech. "Down so--u--th, lannnyea." Shaking his head, he tried to make his body obey his commands. He clutched at Bram's clothes. "Help!" he cried.

Bram wasted no time, he tossed Josiah over his shoulder and using the winds to bring them down to the alleyway. Walking out into the open he stopped the first man he saw. "Excuse me, sir, can you give me directions to the apothecary?"

The man touched the brim of his hate and flashed a warm smile. "Take this road two streets down. It will be on your left."

Nodding his thanks, Bram swiftly made it to the shop and entered. He stepped up to the counter and yelled, "Shoppe-keep. I am in need of your assistance!"

A moment passed before a door towards the back opened and an old woman came forward. "What do you need?"

"My friend here has been pierced with a poison arrow. Please cure him. I shall supplement your troubles generously." He drew a leather pouch from his pocket and tossed it on the counter. The woman picked up the bag and looked inside. With a nod, she motioned for Bram to bring J into the back room. Once there, he laid Josiah on the bed. He gave his friend a shake. "Are you still with us, my friend? Do not worry, this fine lady will fix you up in no time."

J's breathing slowed, his eyes fluttered and he mumbled. "B...Br...B..."

The woman shook her head. "He's got the poison that freezes limbs. He will not die. It's meant to subdue a person. Given time, it will dissipate and he'll be fine. Here, let's get his shirt off and at least cool him down." The woman clucked her tongue as she retrieved a pitcher or water and filled a bowl. "It's a shame really. J is such a sweet boy. A bit wild, but a sweet boy." She patted J's hand and felt his skin. "Honestly, you really have to stay out of these messes."

Upset, J pouted and whimpered in protest as a single tear slid down his cheek.

Bram nodded and sat Josiah up so that the woman could remove his shirt. When she did, they noticed several scars on J’s back and another one under his navel. The brand on his belly was the most disturbing. He had never seen one on a human before.

Bram seared the mark in his mind then shook his head in confusion. "Why would someone do this to him?"

The woman grunted. "It's Josiah, trouble finds this yelp like a moth to flames. I'll wipe him down, clean him up some but then you have to go. I can do nothing for him and I want no trouble here."

"I understand, our thanks." Bram nodded and picked Josiah up, taking him out of the shop and to a nearby inn. He went inside and paid for a room, making sure not to talk too much to the innkeeper.

Once Bram was situated into the room, he set to make sure Josiah was cared for, by placing a cool damp cloth on his forehead. He was not sure what to do next but believed that if he did nothing, his friend would be in grave danger. He shook his head with a nervous laugh. "It has been nothing but danger and troubles since the two of us have reunited. Now, if it is to your liking, I shall be making a trip to the nearby pub to try and collect any information I can on who is trying to kill us or you."

J blinked with panic in his eyes.

Bram laughed. "I suppose not. Very well then, I shall be back in good time. Try to rest and regain what strength you can." With that, he left the room and locked the door. He then slipped down the back of the inn and made his way down the alley. He reappeared on the street momentarily to get his bearings and to look for any pubs that might be close to him. In his experience pubs and taverns were good places to gather information.

His eyes fell on a small and out of the way pub that lay on the opposite side of the street and a bit up the road. The winds told of not-so-honest deeds happened in there. This only convinced him more that this would be where he would find what he needed. He moved onto the road and walked with a casual yet fast pace in his step, trying not to stand out as much from the rest of the town.

Opening the door he looked into the dim lighting and ventured in towards the bar. He motioned for the bartender, "My good man, a warm mead, if you may." He then took a seat on a nearby stool and looked around the bar. He noticed a man sitting next to him and the mark on his hand, it was similar to the one he saw on the dead archer. "Excuse me sir, but you look like you have been well fed. Tell me, is your employer looking for any more workers? I have found myself in need of food."

The man looked at him. "Not that I know of. But, if you want some quick gold," he turned and pulled a paper out of his pocket and laid it on the table. It was a picture of J. "My boss is looking for him. If you help me find him, I'll split the loot with you fifty-fifty."

Bram was alarmed when he saw the picture but managed to keep a cool composure. He nodded, "I saw his mug earlier, but he looked stronger than he does in this picture. Perhaps we can go to him and ask for hands to bring him down."

The man eyed him suspiciously. "I heard he's one of those gifted ones but I've never seen him use powers."

"Gifted ones?" Bram asked. "I just thought he looked stronger than a normal man. What are these gifts you speak of?"

"They're strange and ungodly powers that no one should have."

Bram nodded, "Well then we should warn your boss as soon as possible. If I'm not mistaken, I think I saw something laying in the gutter not too far from where he was. If we don't get him soon, I should hate to think what he would do next."

"You're right. Let's go. We're big men. We can take him down," the man said.

Bram finished his drink, and then led the man outside and down the street. Thinking of how he would find this man's boss, he decided to veer off down an alleyway, "This way, I came this way when I saw him."

The man followed him, an evil grin on his face as he thought about the money he was going to make.

Once they were some ways down the alley, Bram slowed his pace putting him behind his companion, trying not to make it noticeable. As soon as the man was in front of him, Bram lurched forward and wrapped his left hand around the man's forehead, pulling it back. With the other hand, he held a dagger to the man's throat. "Now," Bram said calmly while feeling the mixed rush of both excitement and anguish. "I think it is time you told me about who it is you work for, and where I can find him."

The man grunted in surprise. "You are not in this for the gold, are you?"

"You have no idea," Bram tightened his grip. "Now, who do you work for?”

"He doesn't have a name. We do as he asks and we get paid, end of story."

"Where can I find him?"

"He finds you." The man began to sweat.

Bram jerked the man's head. "You lie! Tell me now, or else I will end your life!"

The man started to speak but then screamed in agony before he burst into flames.

Bram stumbled back and looked around. His eyes were wide with fear and wonder what had caused the man to go combust. Uncertain, he yelled, "Who's out there? Show yourself!"

A flock of birds took to the air, calling loudly but no one appeared. People outside the alleyway gave Bram funny looks.

Bram grunted with frustration. Now, what was he to do? He was right back where he started. If no one was going to talk, there would be nothing he could do for Josiah. He sighed as he returned to his room at the inn. He opened the door to the room, and shook his head, as Josiah still laid on the bed, motionless. "What am I to do?"

"You could stop feeling sorry for yourself," a woman said from her seat near the window. She hadn't been visible until he had come farther into the room.

Bram stumbled back. "Who are you and what business do you have here?"

The woman stretched. "My name is Maria. Lord Curran Bontecou is my mentor. I see you've met that scamp J. And gotten yourself into a right smart mess I might add." Maria shook her head and wondered at the stupidity of men.

"You should watch your words, woman," Bram said. "Josiah is an honorable man and a good friend. Now, since I am foreign to these lands, how do I know you mean us no harm?"

"Josiah? Oh, that must have been the name he was using when you met him. He's known for getting into trouble. I am an associate of his. I relay messages to him. I was coming to tell him that Lord Curran's in the city to see Lord Prince Andrew."

"I see," Bram said. "I thank you for your information; however, as you may see, he is not in the best of states to receive the information. Perhaps you can tell me where I can find the antidote for the poison that ails him. The last man I questioned blew up before he could answer."

Maria rose and only then was it noticeable that she could be seen through. "He combusted?" she demanded, her eyes wide.

He saw that Maria was partially transparent and let down his guard. "Yes and he said that the man I seek, could not be found, but would find one who was looking for him."

"You should leave J here and flee. This isn't your fight." Maria shook her head and then looked thoughtfully at J.

"My apologies," Bram said. "But I can't let him lie there like this. It does not matter if my life is on the line, as long as I can protect my friends. You're like a phantom and the winds are not quite sure what to make of you."

"I can project my consciousness into this form you see before you. It is one of my gifts," Maria explained as she studied J's face.

Bram let down his guard at that point. There was no need to try and fight an afterthought. "Do you know who could have done this? Please, I only wish the best for Josiah as a friend."

"I cannot tell you because I've never seen the man. Only the handiwork of his minions," Maria said in disgust.

"Then, can you tell me about any other way of getting the antidote, since tracking him down is quite difficult."

"I can't. You'll have to find Lord Curran. He might be able to help Josiah."

"Josiah has mentioned him. Where can I find this Lord Curran?" asked Bram. He was not accustomed to turning to others for help and he would have to do so with this man. Only this time, the help needed would be much more serious than just a place to sleep.

"I can find him and direct him to you. It would be faster that way. Just keep J cool, it looks like he's burning. I'll be back with Lord Curran as fast as I can," Maria promised before she disappeared.

As soon as Maria left, Bram did not hesitate in taking the cloth that lay on Josiah's forehead and submerged it into the cool water that lay in the bowl on the table next to the bed. He moved slowly, patting down Josiah's forehead and sides of his face and upper body. He repeated this pattern several times before finally soaking the rag once more and placing it on Josiah's forehead. Now, there was nothing left to do but wait for Lord Curran. He sat in the chair next to the bed, tapping his fingers on his arm.
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Sheriff Liam
Psionics Beginnings
Posts: 2
Joined: January 15th, 2018, 10:21 am

Re: 01 Homecomings

Post by Sheriff Liam »

As they rode through the city, people moved about, heading into the center of the capital to work and shop. Liam looked ahead of them. He saw the gates of the chateau which the Regent Prince called home.

He understood that although Curran may not have shown it, he was concerned by the recent events. His guard had risen, and he felt his parenting instincts come to the surface of his nature. He was worried about the younger generation, the ones they knew, and especially Chauni, Shadow, and J.


Maria rushed to search the streets. If what she was sensing was right, Lord Curran was coming her way. She had to catch his attention. She had faith that he would be able to figure out some way to help J. She corrected direction again, cut through a side street and ran to the middle of the street right into their path. "Stop!" she cried.

Hearing the cry, Curran pulled on the reins forcing his mare to turn around. "Who goes there?"

Liam reined his horse in too but then looked shocked. "Maria! How did you? What is it?" He demanded as he trotted his horse forward.

"It's J and his new friend. They are here in the city, and well, they ran into a bit of trouble. You are the only ones who aren't trying to harm them. So I came to you for help," Maria explained as she moved over so that Curran could see her.

Curran rolled his eyes and sighed as he looked at Liam with a wry smile. "I suppose we should help the lad from yet another jam?" Though he asked he suspected what the answer would be, which was the same as always in that they would help.

"If we don't help him, we'll never hear the end of it from Lord Prince Andrew and you know he has a soft spot for the lad," Liam replied with a knowing grin. "Besides, J is an orphan. Who else would watch his back but us?"

Maria hopped from foot to foot. Not that it mattered. She was still astral projecting so it wasn't as if she was tired.

"How true it is," Curran laughed. "How true it is?" He set his gaze on Maria with a nod and wave of his hand. "Go on Miss, lead the way."

Maria set a brisk pace as she wound her way through the crowds and the streets. She finally stopped outside the tavern inn where Bram and J were. "Go upstairs, my Lord. They are on the second floor, last room on your left. I must go. My energy is waning," Maria said. She bowed and then disappeared.

Liam dismounted. "I think I'm going to lock the lad up for a while and let him cool those heels. Perhaps that will keep trouble from nipping at his heels." He growled.

"Aye, though you know, as well as I, that trouble will find him." Curran tied his horse’s reins to the hitching post, knocked the soles of his boots on the hard stone entrance before stepping through the door. He looked around and noticed a few scorch marks on the walls and the first thought was Chauni and the incident she told him of. He led the way upstairs, rapping a knuckle on the door to the last room on the left.

Bram was startled as he woke from the slumber he had fallen towards. He got up and opened the door, and allowed the gentlemen to come in. Once inside, he closed the door and locked it.

"I thank you both for coming on such short notice. Josiah has been poisoned by an arrow. The archer is dead. Who paid him, I am still unaware of, but I can tell you that he likes his privacy, as the man I asked had exploded. If there's anything you can do, I'd be most grateful."

Liam raised his brow. "He exploded?"

"Yes," Bram said. "He did tell me that the man in question could not be found, but would find you."

Curran removed his cloak setting the garment on the dresser. Rolling up his sleeves, he approached J. "Liam, take our young friend's associate out of here and speak with him, I'll need solitude for this."

"Of course. Would you please come with me?" Liam said. "I don't think we've been formally introduced,” he said as they left the room.

With the door closed, Curran sat on the edge of the bed and lifted J's shirt to reveal his stomach. "Hmm, these are serious injuries, my friend."

Only J's eyes moved as he blinked, pleading.

Curran smiled warmly as he placed a hand on J's forehead. "Don't you worry lad, I'll fix you." He slapped his hands together and rubbed them for warmth. He then gently placed them on J’s stomach. It took a moment for the wounds and scars to fade. The brand remained, a puzzle for certain.

"There you are, lad," Curran brushed the stray hair from J’s forehead. "The effects will fade with time but for at least for the next few days, any injuries will heal a tad faster.”

There was a moment of silence. When J tried to speak, at first there was a faint squeak then he coughed and his voice croaked. "How did you find us?"

"Don't you know, lad?" Curran looked at him with curiosity. He touched a crooked finger to J's nose. "Maria led us here."

J's body tingled. He hated but tolerated it until the sensation went away. He slowly sat up, eyes on Curran. "Maria? Okay, right. I think I hit my head."

Curran chuckled, tousling Js hair. "You'll be fine, come, let's join our friends."

J looked worried but he slid off the bed and stood. He promptly sat back down when his legs refused to support him. "Guess they'll have to come in here," he said.

Curran patted his hand on J's shoulder then stepped over to the door where he hesitated and looked over his shoulder. "Tell no one what I've done for you, for both our sakes.” On that, he opened the door, looking out for their friends.


Once Liam closed the door, he turned to Bram. "My name is Liam Deveraux; I'm sheriff of Lord Bontecou's lands. Your name sir?" he asked.

"I am Bram Molyneux," he said. "I am originally from Wales and have come to these lands seeking for adventure. I met Josiah several years ago in London when I was working for the local jewelry guild. We became best of friends. After two years of working together, Josiah left, never to return. A couple of years later, I grew tired of the jewelry guild and left now, here I am.”

"Tell me," asked Bram. "How did you happen to come across Josiah? It seems his reputation goes beyond anything of which I could fathom."

Liam chuckled. "How do any of us meet J? He has as many names but at least he's consistent. All his aliases start with a "J" so it's easy to know who’s had a run in with him. I met J for the first time about four years ago. He was stealing food to feed himself and I had to arrest him because the man he chose to steal from was a lord."

"I am surprised," Bram said. "Josiah seemed to be such the honest fellow when I was with him. I wonder if all that was an act. Perhaps the whole friendship we shared was a charade as well."

Liam clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Bram, trust me when I say this, the lad gives respect grudgingly and his loyalty is even harder to come by. You are the first person that I've ever seen him stay around. The lad usually shows up, drops off whatever it is he has for me, whether it’s written missives or gossip and then is out the door so fast you almost believe it a dream. If you've managed to spend longer than an hour in his presence and him not vanish, you, sir, have accomplished a miracle that none of us thought possible."

Bram smirked at the thought. Perhaps it would not be best to give up everything for lost. He nodded at Liam. "Your words ring truer than no other and I thank you for them. Now, perhaps you can help solve this mystery. Do you know who would be capable of not only being shrouded in mystery but also able to keep that veil from being lifted? The winds breathe an ominous sigh for events to come."

"Perhaps the same one we've been trying to catch for almost six months now. We are experiencing dangerous times in our lands. There have spoken of rebellion and assassination. These days are unsafe for any traveler."

"Aye. I cannot tell you how many times I've encountered bandits during my journey. Something is coming and I believe it will not let up until everything has been destroyed."

"And we, the gifted, are all that stands in evil's way. You seem to be a bold fellow, you would have to be, to put up with J. Are you sure you wish to pitch your lot in with us?" Liam asked.

Bram thought about it, for it would mean risking of his life. Would he be willing to give all of his energy to help stop this evil? Then he realized was it necessary to ask this question. He had come for adventure and there would be no turning back. He had accepted his fate, now would be the time to act. He gave Liam a cool and determined look, "I have embraced my fate. There's no going back. I'll lend all of my power to your movement, no matter what it takes. We will defeat whatever it is that awaits us!"

"Glad to have you aboard besides, we need someone to watch out for J. I don't know what mess he's landed himself in, but it must be big for people to take the time to shoot poisoned arrows at him."

Bram nodded, "I shall continue as I have in protecting my friend. Although it seems I have gained several more companions to protect. I just hope I do not falter in my duties."

"You'll do fine, Bram. I've known a few men from Wales, hearty men and dedicated."

Bram chuckled, "Seems like more of a curse than a blessing. Always set on one path with no chance to enjoy the fruits of our labors. I was lucky to be born with a thirst for adventure; that and the ability to manipulate the weather. Speaking of which, since we have confirmed our camaraderie, I see no problem in asking you what powers you possess."

Liam grinned, he was going to explain himself when he heard the door open. He turned and gave Curran a searching gaze. "How is the scamp?"

"He'll live," Curran folded his arms with a quick glance to Bram then to Liam, "I am concerned about what caused this in the first place."

"If you're sure he'll live, I think it's time we got some answers," Liam said. He glanced at Bram and then to Curran.

Bram nodded, "Those marks on his back. I'm sure they have something to do with what has been happening. Do you think he is well enough for us to ask questions?"

"By all means," Curran stepped aside and swept his arm outward, inviting them into the room. "Let's see if he'll talk."

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