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Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 12:59 pm
by Double Fire

The call came through unexpectedly; the team was still trying to put together the pieces of the case. After Osprey’s call, they wasted no time in gathering what they could and dashing out of the hotel. Mandy was starting to wish at least one part of her old team was with her, while Torque was a good partner, she missed her old team.

They arrived on the scene from Osprey guiding them in. What they found was Osprey standing at odds with a woman in black leather and sunglasses. Mandy’s nerves were set on edge by what she saw.

Osprey held firmly to a wooden stake in one hand, the other woman was drawing back with fangs bared. In a flash moment, Mandy ignited her psionic double sending it forward to collide with the offending vampire.

“What the hell?” Solaire asked.

Everyone turned in surprise at what Mandy could do.

“There’s a reason they call me Double Fire.” Like a mirror image effect, a small fireball flared in her hand and her doubles as they stood straight with the flames in clear view. Mandy gritted her teeth as she focused on her double. They pitched the fireballs simultaneously toward the vampire. Missing her as she ducked, the flames impacted and ignited a dumpster. The blast knocked everyone off their feet.

In recovering, every move Mandy made she found an unfamiliar, unexpected pain in her own body. She struck out with a swift side kick to the vampires face only to have the double slammed backward and thrown against the dumpster where it dissolved. The flash rippled through Mandy, setting her off balanced again and causing her to drop back to one knee. She looked up with blood dripping from her nose. Her body was filled with pains she couldn’t even begin to locate or identify.

“You should keep your young ones at bay Osprey,” The vampire hissed.

“Maybe we wouldn’t have to if you leaches behaved yourselves,” Osprey said.

“Double Fire, are you okay?” Torque knelt beside her and supported her as they stood.

“That’s never happened before,” Mandy wiped the blood from her face and glanced at it before looking to the vampire. “What the hell are you?”

“More than you can handle, whelp.” Delta Baron-Stonagar said.

“Oh, you really think so?” Mandy asked. She glanced to Tami then down at her hand and back. Igniting another fireball, she was ready to throw it.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:01 pm
by Nova

“D F let me handle this one; I’m a bit stronger than you are at the moment.” Trinity stepped to Mandy’s side and took hold of the flame as Torque supported Mandy. While they stepped aside, Trinity bounced the fireball in her hand. “Now, from what I understand… Vampires aren’t to keen on flames.” She took one step closer to the woman.

“Osprey, your groupies are pissing me off.” Delta said. She turned and mounted the Harley Davidson Roadster sitting near-by. “As long as you’re going to play heroes, stay out of my way…” The engine roared to life as she kicked up the stand. “Remember, you’re in my territory and you interfered with my investigation… Get out of town by midnight.”

As the vampire took off, the sound of her bike fading in the distance, Trinity turned to Osprey. “What the hell was that about?”

Osprey lowered her weapon and dropped to her knee to look over the vagrant. “I startled the first vamp and she pounced on me… We got in to it and she started spouting off about how I was interfering with her case… After we exchanged words I realized we’re on the same case for different reasons.” She dropped and shook her head. “He’s dead, we better get clear of the scene should call in Barnes.”


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:10 pm
by Torque

Tami was too busy focusing on her partner to worry about what the others were talking about. She retrieved the medical kit from the car and opened it as she dropped to her knees. “Jeez Double, when Pierce said you went the extra mile I didn’t realize he meant at your own health.”

Mandy coughed as she tried breathing, just that simple effort sent her convulsing in pain. “What can I say, I get a complex when some one threatens my friends or team."

“There better not be a next time,” Tami snapped. “I’m tempted to send you….Oh Jesus,” Pulling her hand away from Mandy’s back, she was stunned by the amount of blood on her hand. “You’re going back to headquarters.”

“But the storm,” Mandy tried getting up and the pain sent her back to the ground.

“Eric is an accomplished pilot, he can get through it.”

As Mandy shook her head, she tried to object. “I’m your partner, you need me.”

“I don’t need a target,” She held up her hand covered in blood. “We’re dealing with vampires here, immune or not, you’re no good to us in your condition…” She looked up to Solaire with a nod. “Call Eric, tell him it’s an emergency… Can you get her to the hospital?”

“I’m on it, are the rest of you going to be okay?” Solaire asked.

“Just get her out of here,” Tami stood and stepped away. “We’ll take care of the local leaches.”


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:13 pm
by Solaire

Brenda carefully lifted Mandy in to her arms as the girl coughed up more blood. She felt her go limp which made for transporting her all the more easier. Lifting in to the air proved a slight challenge and she could maintain only a height just above the buildings. The hospital was easy enough to find as it was the largest facility in the area.

The moment she stepped in to the emergency room they gained a lot of looks and attention. Mandy was on the verge of losing consciousness. She had no choice but to set Mandy on the nearest gurney. “Can I get some help over here?!” Solaire asked. She folded down her wings, kept one hand around one of Mandy’s and tried soothing her while reaching for her cell phone. The blood the oozed covering her hands and making the phone sticky.

“What’s the problem here?” A male doctor rushed to their side pulling the stethoscope from around his next.

“I’m not sure… It was her pyrokinesis, I'd never seen anything like it .”

“Are you telling me that she she's a pyrokinetic?” The doctor immediately started a visual exam to determine the condition of her wounds.

“Yes and the damn leach moved,” Mandy managed to groan out.

“Well, hello there,” The doctor said. He looked up as a nurse approached. “We’re going to need blood typing and let’s start her on a saline IV,” With his light pen, he checked Mandy’s eyes making her flinch.

“Patient is conscious and semi-responsive,” He turned to Solaire. “Are you a relative?”

“No, we work together… Whatever you need just tell me and I can get it.” Solaire said. Hearing Eric call her name, she glanced over her shoulder.

“Get with the nurse and she’ll work with you on the information.” The doctor said.

“Doctor, triage six is now available.” A nurse reported when she stepped up to them.

“All right, let’s get her moved and prepped, the sooner we stop this bleeding the better.” He took the stance at the head of the gurney and started pushing towards the triage rooms.

Solaire stepped back and followed the nurse as Eric stepped to her side.

“How serious is it?” He asked.

“I don’t know it came on when she used her abilities.” Solaire shook her head. Sitting with the nurse at the registry station, Solaire lowered her head, combing her fingers through her hair. “That poor kid, her first alpha with us and this happens.”

She felt Eric’s hand on her back, between her wing bones. The massage felt good physically but not so much mentally.

“What can you tell us about her condition?” The nurse asked.

Solaire sighed and shook her head. “We were in an alley and something happened causing a dumpster to explode and force of the explosion sent everyone flying, my guess is that she landed in the wrong place.”

"I have her information right here." Eric opened his briefcase and pulled out the file containing Mandy’s medical insurance. “I’m sure all the papers are in order.”

“What would we do without you?” Solaire asked.

“Let’s hope you ladies never have to find that out.”

“I hope Nova realizes how lucky she is to have you.” Solaire wanted to do or talk about anything that would get her mind off the situation and the fact that they were in a hospital. She disliked them, and liked doctors even less. She found herself worrying about Mandy and hoping that she would be okay.

“Hey,” Eric interrupted her thoughts. “Why don’t you take off back to the others I’ve got things covered here?”

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Go on, I’m sure they could use you, especially being down one teammate, no sense in being down two.” He leaned close and whispered softly. “Because a little birdie told me you don’t like these places.”
“You okay with this?” She asked.

“Would you go?” He asked. He kept his annoyance in check as he shoed her out. “Get yourself cleaned up and get back to your team.”

“Yes sir,” With reservations, Solaire got up and found her way out of the hospital. Rather than returning to the hotel she made her way over the city looking for the others. She radioed Torque with an update and made her way to their location at the police station where she found a very unhappy Barnes waiting with her team.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:15 pm
by Enforcer

Delta sped through the streets of Sioux City, hot tempered over the situation. She had gone to meet her usual in town retainer only to find him snared by the leach she was certain had been the problem. Running in to the psionics was more than enough to piss her off. As far as she was concerned they had no business being in her town and needed to leave. Then there was the injured one, she thought about the girl and the scent of her tainted blood. She could practically smell the taint radiating from her.

She tried shaking it off, being that close to a bleeding source and not being able to touch a drop made her hungry. Now, she had to detour from her task to feed. She hated being distracted or having to detour from her plans or any thing she needed to do. Pulling to a stop on Fourth Street, she killed the engine to her bike, kicked down the stand and lit a cigarette.

A smile crossed her lips when she noticed the young man parking his car and getting out as a girl joined him from the passenger side. They looked innocent, unsuspecting, which was just how she liked her prey.
“C’mon Jimmy, I know you met some one, it’s in your eyes.” The girl said.

“Maybe but I don’t think I’m in her league.” James Barber said. Locking his car, he escorted his sister up to the restaurant.

Delta stepped to the door, getting in their way. She dropped her cigarette and snuffed it out with the ball of her boot. “Hello Jimmy, long time, no see.”

“Professor Baron,” He stammered with surprise. “Yeah it has been.”

“Give us a few minutes, will you doll?” She asked of his sister.

“Jimmy?” The young woman looked to him.

He nodded. “It’s all right Tracey; tell Mom and Dad I’ll be a few minutes.”

When they were alone, James turned to his school's professor of archeology. “What can I do you for you Professor?”

“Just come with me for a moment,” She nodded to her side, easily persuading and urging him in to the nearby ally. She was feeling callous and didn’t care that she had known James most of his life. This moment was about her and damn it she was going to have her way. She ingratiated him to her whim, coercing him closer to the shadows and away from public view.

When she was certain no one was watching she turned on her charm to a near hypnotic state gaining control of his mind. It only took a moment for what she needed to satisfy herself. She left him doubled over on the ground barely breathing but alive, she seldom if ever killed when she fed. That’s not who she was, her hunt was more concerned with eliminating those violators of the masquerade.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:16 pm
by Osprey

They remained in the snack lounge of the police department while Barnes had taken Jamie and Torque into an investigation room. Between the three of them, they disclosed what information was on hand for the case. Jamie was not attentive with the discussion as she thought about what happened with Delta. It was the first time she had encountered a vampire that she had spoken with. To her defense, she had not known what the woman was until the moment she attempted to strike, when Jamie’s own friends had arrived to stop the attack.

“What if it’s a ceremony?” Jamie said. She turned to the two, in sudden realization and interrupting their conversation.

“Well,” Barnes sighed and set his hands on his hips. “It certainly bears the signs of ritualism. What kind of ceremony does it look like to you?”

“Most ceremonies are religious, but this,” Torque shook her head. “It’s not much different than the ones on the East coast.”

“There is a difference though,” Jamie stepped to the white-board and took a few minutes to glance over the information again. “And I think it’s worth comparing to the New York killings.”

“So,” Barnes joined her at the board. “What similarities do we have?”

Jamie turned to Torque. “You’re the agent on that case… What do you see?”

“I see enough to confirm that it’s a similar individual but not the same one.” Joining them, she took up a red dry-board marker and circled several items. “Blood letting, dissemination of the psionic individual, the differences are in the numbers… Our girl in New York prefers taking her targets mono-e-mono, this person or people chose a group collection.”

Barnes took a seat behind the table, propping his feet up and linking his fingers behind his head. “So, for this mundane detective of the law, with no signs of becoming Psionic, would you care to clue me in?”
Jamie shrugged and picked up a file to read over the victim’s profile. “We’re working with the New York Major Case Squad; over the last three years there’s been a series of killings which follow a specific pattern.”

As if on cue, Torque picked up and continued the explanation. “My previous partner and I were the last Consortium Team assigned to the case, that was a few months ago… He went undercover, trying to see what he could find on the streets and the D.C. authorities found his body floating in the Potomac River.”

“The way you say that leads me to think you know who’s behind the killings.” Barnes said. He rubbed his hand over his jaw line, feeling his facial hairs growing in.

Jamie saw the glint of suspicion in Torque’s small eyes. She considered saying something in warning to Barnes that he might be crossing a line he should steer clear of. Before she could say anything, Torque stepped in.

“Yeah, I know who’s responsible and I’m just waiting for the right peace of evidence to nail that leach in her coffin.” The frustration and anger bled through her voice. She seethed with emotions that Jamie could read simply by the years of friendship they had vested in each other.

“All right then,” Barnes swung out of his chair and over to the water cooler. “Could it be a copy cat?”

“Doubtful,” Torque said. “The authorities are doing their best to keep things quiet and hushing reporters who find out.”

“You obviously have something,” Barnes said. He tossed his paper cup in the trash and wrapped a knuckle on the table. “C’mon ladies, I feel like I’m flying by my ass in the dark.”

“You really want to know full disclosure?” Torque asked. She stood in front of him, mimicking his position with both her hands flat on the table. “We’re dealing with the undead here, vampires exist and they’re not your Daddy’s stories.”

“Vampires… I knew it!” Barnes smacked the table.

Jamie exchanged a curious look with Torque and then raised a brow to Barnes.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:18 pm
by Double Fire

Mandy felt as if she was slipping away, feeling lost in the fog of her own mind, the memories refused to come clear for her. Occasionally she noticed a small orb of light that seemed to be keeping itself in her line of sight. She made attempts to focus on it, seeing it grow brighter and bigger. Then came the voices, echoes in her mind from people unknown to her.

“C’mon girl, come back to us.”

For a moment, she thought she knew the voice. He was concerned, that was clear to her. And yet she found that she was unable to recall what had happened. She could turn to one memory or another and none of them were solid. Then there was Matt, appearing to her as clear as crystal. She approached his image and he raised his hand touching her face.

“You’ve got to wake up, come back to us.”

Feeling a presence behind her, Mandy looked over her shoulder and saw a silhouette. The light obscured the person as it grew brighter. She squinted, trying to see the image but all she saw was the light. There was a sense that seemed to pull her towards it and she felt powerless to resist. Closer and closer it approached and she felt its warmth wrap around her.

“It’s not your time.” She heard the distinctive sound of her father’s voice. In an instant she felt as if she were pushed or thrown away from the light. At that same moment, gasping and coughing, she sat up and found it difficult to breath. Instead of finding air, she found panic filling her. She heard buzzers and alerts going off and some one was by her side rubbing her back, trying to calm and sooth her.

“Easy Double Fire, the nurse is on her way.” Eric said.

Hyperventilating was a new experience for her and it scared her. She fought the convulsions as Eric helped by placing an oxygen mask to her face. She felt the air rushing out of the tubes. Combined with the soothing words of comfort, she calmed down and relaxed. Settling back to the pillow, she looked up to see Eric holding her hand snug in his against his chest. He was brushing the hair from her face like her father had done when she was little.

“That’s it, welcome back to the living.” He smiled with a light chuckle.

She coughed in trying to speak. “What… happened to me?”

“They're still looking in to that.” The nurse said. Pulling back the curtain, she stepped up to the monitors and checked their readouts. “I’ll let the doctor know she’s awake…. It should only be a short time.”

With her gone, Mandy looked up to Eric. “I’ve got to get out of here… I- I can’t… Hospitals and I….”

“Shh,” He hushed her. “I know the feeling; I don’t like them either… I’ll see if I can’t get you transferred to the Consortium, I’m sure they would prefer it.”

“I’m sure they would too.”

Both of them looked up as the curtain was pulled back by an older man in green surgical scrubs. He was looking over her chart then closed it and set it on the bed. “You had quite a scare there Miss Matchall, how’re you feeling now?”

“Like a vampire tried to drain my blood.” Her voice cracked from the dryness and she coughed again.

The doctor poured her a small cup of water and handed it to Eric to help her sip. “I’m not surprised; you did lose a lot of blood…. Now, they did contact your medical insurance company and they were told you needed to be transferred to the nearest facility for the company, some place called Mid-House.”

Both Mandy and Eric groaned with disappointment. “Doctor, trust me that is the last place she needs to be right now.” Eric said. He stood up and pulled out the cell phone from his jacket. “But, if that’s the nearest place, I guess we can’t argue.” He took hold of her hand again with a gentle squeeze. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to make some phone calls.”

She squeezed his hand back, not wanting him to go. If it was one thing Mandy disliked more than hospital it was doctors. Noticing the look he gave her, she sighed and let go of his hand, turning her head away from him. It was hard to not hear the swish of the curtain and clink of the rods and rings as he stepped beyond and left her alone with the older doctor.

“I'm not one-hundred percent clear on what happened, I think your friends are not tell us the full story, but what I do know is that pyrokinetics can be dangerous and nothing to fool around with." He said.

“Yeah well, my partner needed me.”

“You sound like a police officer I know…” He quipped.

She watched him check over the machines that had their tubes and wires connected to her. She flinched as he removed the heart-monitor’s sticky pads off her chest. As much as she wanted to give him an attitude, she remained quiet as he worked.

“It is against my better judgment; however, that insurance company is prodding for your transfer so I’m going to sign your release forms into your boyfriend’s custody.”

“Oh, he’s not my boyfriend…” Mandy blushed from his assumption. “He’s a company pilot.”

“My apologies then…. I just assumed that with the name you were calling out…” He stopped himself from finishing his comment when Eric rejoined them.

“Assumed what?” Eric asked.

“He thought you were my boyfriend.” Mandy smirked and saw him blush.

“Well then,” He smirked. “I won’t tell Matt if you don’t tell Trinity.”

Confusion filled her and she knew she must’ve given him a strange look. She failed to understand why he said what he had. She started to speak then blushed with embarrassment and looked away.

“This fellow Matt, you’ve been calling for him…” Eric stepped close to her and tried, though poorly, to hide his own confusion. “If he’s not your boyfriend then some one needs to be talking with some one else.”

“No,” She shook her head. “Matt and I have been…. We’ve been friends for years and yeah we dated and were in a relationship but…” She didn’t want to think about. The thoughts only brought up the frustrations between them and the pain of losing their mentor. Groaning, she closed her eyes, covering them with her hand. “Can we get out of here now?”

“Sure, let me sign these responsibility papers and we can head out.” He leaned close and whispered. “I think that, storm or not, we’ll go to the East Coast house.”

She groaned again and nodded. As far as she was concerned, the sooner they left the hospital the better she would feel, regardless of her physical condition. She did not want to rest until she was back at the consortium and surrounded by her personal things, even her kitten.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:19 pm
by Nova

Trinity stepped out of the stall in the ladies bathroom and moved to the sink. The clerk leaning against the counter handed her several paper towels. She practically drowned herself with hand cups of water. As she shut off the faucet, she moaned through the paper towels while drying her face. “This is not going to be an easy pregnancy.”

“So, I guess holding off on the congratulations would be a good idea?” The clerk asked. She seemed some what skittish and unsure of how to be around the psionics.

“That’s okay, thanks anyway.” Trinity leaned against the wall, closed her eyes and waited for the nausea to subside.

Rejoining the others in the conference room, she immediately sat down in the chair closest to the door. She was trying to regain and hold to her composure while trying to focus on the case. It was the last thing she wanted to do, trying to work on a case while her body was clearly betraying her. She barely caught what the others were saying.

“Could you repeat that please?” She asked. Rubbing a hand across her forehead, she found the fluorescent lights hurt her eyes, giving her a headache.

“Eric called, it looks as if Double Fire is going to be fine,” Tami said.

Trinity heard the sound of a pen hitting the table accompanied by the sound of a heavy sigh before Brenda spoke up. “Maybe you should beg out of the case Nova, you don’t look so good either.”
“Are you sure about that?” Trinity asked.

“Go on,” Tami spoke up. “I’ll call Eric and have him wait for you at the airport.”

“Thanks guys, you know I hate bailing on you… I just can’t focus.”

“C’mon,” Jamie stepped to her side. “I’ll see her to the airport and make sure they get off safely.”

“Thanks Osprey.” Tami nodded and turned back to Barnes and the information on the white-board.

With Jamie lending her strength and support, Trinity pulled herself out of the chair and the room. They made it out of the front door and Trinity dropped to her knees. Bracing herself up with one hand and holding the other against her stomach, she had no choice as her body betrayed her with dry heaves.

Her mind filled with flashbacks of the last time she was pregnant. The same symptoms, pain, and agony had ripped through her body back then. She vaguely felt Eric’s hands touching her, though his words reached through her.

“I’m here Love; we’ll get you to the Consortium.”

She felt his lips on her temple then some one else helping him lift her up and get her to a car.

“Double Fire, you’re a pyro, can you help curtail her abilities?” He asked.

“I certainly can.” Her voice came through with strength and conviction.

They had only recently met and Trinity admitted to herself that she liked the young agent. She slipped a hand into one of Mandy’s, weaving their fingers together. This allowed her to manipulate her own abilities by circulating the energy through Mandy and back like a current.


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:21 pm
by Torque

In the top left corner of the white-board, Tami made a list of who was still available on her team. When Barnes snapped his fingers casually and held his hand out, she handed him the red marker and stepped back as he added his own name.

“The Captain says that since I picked it up, the case is now mine.”

She smiled faintly with reservations. “Does this mean we may have police resources available to us?”
“It certainly does.”

“That’s a relief.” Tami checked her watch. She was feeling hesitant because she did not believe things were going well and they had barely gotten started. At the sound of the door, both of them turned to see

Solaire walk in with Osprey. Behind them came a civil servant pushing a cart with a coffee maker and four large ceramic mugs bearing the police department’s shield. She pushed it to the corner, nodded to them and closed the door on her way.

“Well, that was nice of them.” Solaire commented.

“Yeah, but we’ve got to make it ourselves.” Barnes loosened his tie as he moved to the cart. “Lazy son’s of bitches.”

“Detective,” Tami took a seat at the table and started going over the local files they had received. She was looking for evidence that might connect to her assailant on the East Coast. “Have you ever investigated a supernatural case before?”

Barnes chuckled. “I didn’t earn the nickname Spook man for nothing.” He set up the coffee pot to brew and joined her, sitting across form her.

“What kind of nickname is Spook man?” Solaire asked.

“Spooky was taken,” Barnes said.

“Yeah, just remember that this is not the X-Files.” Tami said.

“Cute,” He quipped. Opening a file, he looked to her with a raised brow. “Shall we review the information we’ve got?”

“I was just thinking that,” Tami said. “Hopefully we can get some semblance of progress without further delays.”

“Okay, what do we know so far?” He asked.

“Our profile matches others where the assailant is believed to be Kindred.” Solaire said. Folding her wings, she took a seat at the table, facing the board, which set her to Barnes’ right and Tami’s left.

“Thanks to that bite my partner endured,” Tami paused and glanced to each of them. “We know or can suspect that kindred have a problem with psionic blood… There’s a tweak in it that makes us immune and there’s a suspicion that kindred cannot feed on some one who is a psionic.”

“That would explain why psionics are dismembered and not bled-out like normal human victims.” Barnes surmised.

“True,” Tami agreed. “So, what do we know about this particular kindred that is not associated with the one in the East?”

“This particular scene," Osprey said. "The way the bodies were positioned is almost suspect of some type of religious ceremony.”

“With the exception of the psionic Casey Cartwright,” Barnes looked over the information they had on him. “This kid barely had a chance.”

“They all barely had a chance.” Solaire corrected him. “That’s what makes this so impacting… They were barely out of their teens… That’s not fair.”

“Maybe there’s a reason they needed them young?” Barnes suggested.

“What makes you think that?” Solaire asked.

He pulled a thick file from a box and dropped it on the table with a thump. “Because fifty years ago five other people in the same age range were also left on the same farm and in the same condition…” He looked to Tami as he set his hands flat on the table. “The only thing missing is the psionic.”

They were interrupted again by a knock on the door and another detective leaned in. “Hey Steve, got another spook call for you.” He said it with a straight face as he handed Osprey the file. “This one survived.”

Osprey immediately opened the file and the shock was clear on her face. “I know this one, we…” She was interrupted by a cell phone ringing a lively melody.

Barnes snatched his up from his hip and checked the caller ID. “It’s the morgue.” Opening the phone, he answered. “This is Detective Steve Barnes what can I help with…? Uh huh, could the day shift coroner have released the body?”

Tami looked to him from the papers she was skimming over. Slowly closing the file, she slipped it back on to the table. His words had her full attention.

“I see… So, no one is taking responsibility which means I guess you guys better find that body.” He held up a finger as he spoke to the coroner. “What about the other five…? Do me a favor and keep an eye on them, I’ll send some one over to set up video surveillance....Right… Thanks for calling and I’ll send that associate over pronto.” He ended the call simply by closing the phone then looked to the others.

“Tell me one of you knows a thing or two about video surveillance?”

“That would be one of my specialties.” Solaire said.

“The morgue’s in the basement,” Barnes wrote down the Coroner’s name and phone number, handing her the paper with a wry smile. “He said the psionic’s body disappeared… I don’t think we should take chances on the others.”

“I’ll just fly over to Wal-Mart, pick up what I need and then head on back.”

“I’ll head out with you,” Osprey said. “I know this kid they found and I’m sure he’ll talk to me.”

“Good luck to both of you,” Tami nodded to them. As the door closed behind them, she pulled the ‘cold case’ file towards her and started skimming through the information. She was looking to see what details matched the current case and if the previous detectives had noted anything they may be missing. She looked at Barnes, who was going over another file from the cold case. “Can we get the records on the original officers of the case?”

“Certainly, but why?”

“Knowing their skill might help us, getting in their heads kind of thing… I want to know what they were thinking and where they were going with the case.”

“We can always ask them too.” Barnes suggested. “They’re still around.”

“Sounds like something we should do at a reasonable hour.” She checked her watched, noting the ten o’clock hour. Shaking her head, she was not too thrilled about the way things were going. “Eventually I’m going to have to report in.”


Re: Siouxland Shakedown

Posted: August 2nd, 2017, 1:22 pm
by Solaire

Brenda and Jamie made their way to the electronics department at Wal-Mart. They knew people were watching, even drawn to them by curiosity. Trying to maintain composure, they selected the items they would need as they went through the available inventory. Both would glance and nod with a smirk to the occasional shopper.

When she felt some one touching the tip of her wing, Brenda turned around and looked downward. She couldn’t help but smile broadly at the cherub face that smiled up.

“Are you an angel?” The toddler asked.

She knelt to the girl’s level, “No, I’m a psionic which means I have special abilities I use to protect little girls like you.”

“Hanna….. Hanna,” The girl’s mother rushed up, snatching the child into her arms. “How dare you… Stay away from my child, you… freak!”

“You know lady, you’ve got to let go of your fears.” Slowly, Brenda rose to her full height, which happened to over shadow the small woman. She folded her arms and spread her wings, flapping them once then folding them down tightly. “Some of us actually protect this world.”

“I knew it!” The woman pointed her finger. “I knew you had to be aliens… Get off our planet, freak!”

Brenda shook her head and turned away, just as Jamie was rounding an isle. She turned from her as well to hide the tear that fell down her cheek. Jamie was all smiles, holding up her cell phone.

“Eric just called, DF and Nova are both okay and communications are back up with headquarters.” She said. Stepping closer, she lowered her cell as a look of concern crossed her face. She glanced to the woman speaking with a store employee. “C’mon, let’s get our stuff and check out.” She patted her hand to Brenda’s shoulder.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.” Brenda snapped to her senses and pushed the cart forward, right passed the woman and clerk as she held her head up. She decided and she chose not to let the woman’s opinions affect her. Her own background of ethics and beliefs were above that and she refused to drop to the levels of the people who feared her because she looked different.

She was certain that her attitude was reflected in her walk and expression. As she passed several others, they smiled and nodded casually. One African American held up his hand with only the pinky and thumb extended. It made her feel good that she wasn’t alone in standing against discrimination. Reaching the register, she tried ignoring the stairs and whispers, the snickers and giggles put a smirk on her face.

“Hey Solaire, check this out.” Jamie held up one of those tabloid newspapers. “Batboy rises again, with kids.”

Brenda cracked a smile and almost giggled. “You know those things are real.”

“Yeah, some people are just weird.” Jamie said. She set the paper back.

As the last item was scanned, Brenda pulled out her Consortium Team Visa credit card and swiped it through the reader. In less than a minute, she was signing the receipt and they were walking out the main door. With each carrying two bags, they nodded to each other and then took to the skies.

“Dude, righteous,” A man shouted from the parking lot.

Part of her felt justified by the others observations of her behavior and still, she felt remorse for those who were short sighted and surrendered to their fears.