01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

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01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Archivist »

Original Poster: Hollow

Matt hit the mat, and he hit it hard. Picking himself back up, he looked to the mechanical bull. The beast’s eyes glowed red and steam poured from its nose as it taunted Matt to try again.

"C'mon Matt, you can do it!" He heard Mandy cheer him on.

"C'mon Cowboy!" Chill shouted as he drummed his palms on the bar top.

"Go Matt!" Another hooted like a dog.

"Cowboy Up!" he could hear the cheers of the others in the bar, some of them were in the group he came with from the mansion. Some were just people there having a good time watching him.

Smiling, Matt climbed back onto the bull. Gripping the rope firmly, he looked to the operator with a nod. He was thrown around this way and that, maneuvering his weight with the bull, and holding on for dear life with his legs.

Suddenly all he felt below him was air, and his groin was coming up towards his elbow mighty fast. Quick, rack yourself or jump, rack yourself or jump. Matt didn't have to think about it, his instincts answered him. At least this time he landed on his feet.

"Awe c'mon Matt, you can do better than that!" he heard the playful taunts by Mandy from the bar-like fencing around the bull pen.

Walking over, he took a sip of his drink and then smiled to her. "You get up on that thing and show me how it's done!" he smirked.

"You're saying I can't ride that thing?" she asked with a competitive smirk.

Looking back to the bull, then to Mandy he smiled. "You're right, you could probably do that with no hands. With your leg strength." he smirked.

"And how would you know?" Chill teased them, draping an arm over Mandy's shoulders he smiled playfully.

She brushed him off, shoving his arm away and leaning over the bar towards Matt.

He smiled, leaned in and kissed her gently. Behind him came the loud whapping sound of another guy losing to the bull.


Meanwhile an unnatural darkness grew in Europe.

Deep down below the ruins of a castle, it had waited and plotted. For years it waited for the appropriate time to hatch its vengeance. It had gathered its army of red demons. Resurrected the Twins, and rebuilt its base, now below the castle that once stood as its base. All it needed was a lure...

"I love you," Isaiah whispered as he leaned in kissing Laura. They could be considered pioneers, two psionics willing to try to have a baby in a world that hated their kind.

"I love you too…" Laura was cut short by the screeching of something horrible. The demonic red creature landed but a few feet away from them, pointing some sort of rifle at the two. Isaiah instinctively and protectively stood between the attacker and the woman he loved. "Run, save yourself and our child!" he yelled to Laura as his spikes ripped out of his skin. He would grow, forming into a thorny hulk. The Demon aimed the weapon and fired, blasting a net at its prey. Isaiah shriveled up, caught in the net, he succumbed to its paralyzing effects.

Turning to run, Laura got two steps before she too fell victim to the neutralizing effects of another similar net.

Sightings of the demons and psionic kidnappings went on through the night. By dawn,
half of Europe's psionic population was either dead or missing, captured prisoners of the demons.


Back in New York, a Harley Davidson 100th edition VCSR pulled into the garage of the mansion. Mandy climbed off from behind Matt as he let the engine purr a little bit longer. He put down the kickstand and then killed the engine. Matt dismounted with a smile. "So, hack-n-slash?" He asked.

"Hack n slash," she said with the same smile. For the past month they stayed up late watching horror movies on the sci-fi channel, in the recreation room. It usually ended up with them falling asleep in each other’s arms on the couch. Garston, Achilles, Astral, and even Snow had talked to them about it. The director and their teachers came to the conclusion that they could keep it up, as long as they behaved themselves.

Lying next to Mandy on the couch, Matt laid an arm over her waist and use the other to prop his head above hers so he could see. In turn, she stretched out in front of him, her back against his chest.

"Ooh, Hotel Hell, good movie." he said excited. It was one of his favorite 80s hack-n-slash movies.
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Snow Leopard »

Sharon was about to shut off the lights and leave her office when the fax machine beeped and threaded paper automatically. Stepping over to the desk, she picked up the printout and read the information. Looking to the ceiling, she closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. The news was something she’d dreaded; with their lives it was a risk they took daily. Telling the remaining members of her team was not something she looked forward too.

Locking the door, she stepped from the office and made her way through the library to the main corridor. At Garston’s office, she tapped on the door and heard him welcome her in.

"Director," she spoke softly as she slipped inside.

"Good evening Sharon," Garston signed a paper which he set it aside. "How're things with your classes?"

"The students are doing better than I expected." She stepped to the desk and handed him the faxed paper. "I received this a few minutes ago."

She watched a frown shadow his face as he read the information.

"Zangri and Trina," he sighed and set the paper on his desk. "I had hopes they would return as with the rest of their team. Has anyone else seen this?"

"No sir, I brought it to you." She sat in the chair facing him. Crossing her legs and sitting straight, her back rigid. "What do you think we should do?"

"I will speak with them myself." He paused, waiting to see if she'd react before continuing. "Sharon, you tried your best under the circumstances. I understand that you weren't ready, and the leadership was forced on you."

Sharon shook her head, her eyes half closed. "Director, we've had this conversation many times, and it always comes out the same; we agree I wasn't ready, and Achilles didn't realize that."

Garston rubbed his chin as he listened to her use a different choice of words as opposed to the many times; she’d allowed her emotions to speak for her. Lowering his hand, he simply watched her. “Sharon, I think what you can do is guide them, maybe not as a leader but more as a parent figure.” With a shrug of his shoulders, he smirked. “I happen to know that both Splitz and Hollow are very fond of you in that sense.”

It was Sharon’s turn to smirk with a snicker. “I saw them earlier, apparently they've developed quite a bond and they have been good for each other.”

“I do hope it serves them well.” Garston said with a raised brow. “As for Trina and Zangri, I will speak with their teammates. I see no need to tell the other students.”
“At some point we should add their pictures to the wall." She said.

“I agree, in time,” he nodded. “Things have been somewhat quiet lately and while that does make me wonder, it’s good to give the students time to relax and enjoy some semblance of a normal life. Perhaps even have something like a school dance."

"Speaking of relaxing, there's a book in my room Mom gave me six years ago I've yet to finish reading." She chuckled.

Garston checked his watch. “Now sounds like a fairly good time to take advantage of the opportunity."

As if on cue, his desk phone rang, interrupting their conversation. As he answered it, Sharon made a motion towards the door and left him to his caller.

Walking through the corridor, she noticed the students contently move about. She nodded to Astral and Venus then found herself joined by Arcas, a bear-like Psionic, as they approached the rec-room. They took one glance at the couple dozing on the couch in front of the blue screen TV. Arcas turned off the set as Sharon took a throw blanket to cover Matt and Mandy.

Arcas stepped up quietly behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Ah, young love.” He whispered. Leaving the two to their dreams, they stepped out with Sharon gently closing the door.

He gave her a gentle hug and touched her chin. “Good night Sharon.”

“Good night Arcas, see you in the morning.” She made her way upstairs, pausing on the steps with a memory flash of a young psionic in her charge. It seemed like a lifetime ago, like a different life all together. With a shudder, she rubbed her arms and made her way to the lady’s side and room 7, which had been her private room since she was an infant.
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Archivist »

Originally posted by Ice - with Splitz - JP

The sun had risen over the Atlantic striking its rays of brilliant light against the shield and visor of the early morning rider. The Black Suzuki motorcycle fishtailed around the corner coming up on the mansion quickly, the rider was obviously female from the curves the black leather bodysuit made. The black helmet gave her a streamline effect. At the gate, she buzzed in.

Approaching the front steps, she pulled the bike around a 90-degree angle and skidded to a stop nearly hitting one of the other motorcycles lined up in front of the mansion. She laughed as she put down the kickstand of her bike and looked at the rust bucket of a thing sitting next to her baby.

Pulling off her helmet, her long deep blue hair fell around her shoulders. Unzipping the riding suit, she folded it down around her hips revealing a black tank top. She tucked the helmet under her arm and walked up to the door. She simply stepped inside even though she hasn’t been home for a good long time. A smile upon her nearly blue lips, she looked like she was a walking, frozen corpse.

Mandy had been up early, practicing her tai chi in one of the gardens. She was wiping her face and approaching the front door when she stopped, seeing her old friend. "Hey Ice, welcome home."

Noting her friend, Ice simply shrugged. Most of the time people around her can feel the cold coming off her due to her low body temperature, but that is if they were sensitive to their surrounding temps. “Hey!”

Mandy couldn’t help but smile, things had been going well for some time and she was enjoying the peace at the manor. "I was about to grab some coffee; care to join me?"

She smiled, looking to Mandy. “I’ll join you; though I don’t feel like burning my tongue this morning.”

Mandy chuckled. “That’s ok, I knew you’d be back some time, there’s a stock of Frappuccino Popsicles in the freezer.” She giggled as she led the way to the kitchen.

“That is great!” Ice said. She followed her old friend to the ever-popular kitchen of the Garston Manor. “It’s so good to be home.”

Entering the kitchen, she moved to the fridge and opened the freezer grabbing a frozen Frappuccino and began eating it just as if an ice cube and liking it.

Mandy glanced at her as she fixed a large serving in her favorite “X-Treme Team” mug before retreating to the table by the window. While the other students meandered into the dining hall, she preferred the much quieter area.

Ice leaned against a wall quietly licking at the frozen coffee Popsicle. Watching the cook and his assistants preparing breakfast, Ice wondered why she stayed away so long. Then she remembered the money that resided within her pocket and smiled.
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by NPCs »

Sharon had to force herself out from the soft covers of her bed. She hadn't slept well that night and her eyes were the evidence. Dressing in a pair of blue jeans and a white button-down shirt, she stepped into her canvas shoes and shuffled downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, she paused to yawn and rub her eyes. Several students rushed by, one bumping into her.

"Sorry, Dr. Yates." He called back.

Sharon caught her reflection in the mirror as she passed the foyer. “I look like a nightmare.”

There is fresh coffee in the kitchen. Director Garston's voice whispered in her mind.

Thank you. She looked to the ceiling with a sigh. She had to clear the fog from her mind. Catching certain, distinct thoughts coming from the kitchen piqued her interest. "Ice?"

As she made her way through the manor, the cell phone hanging from her hip chirped. With the earpiece in place, she depressed one button to answer. “Good morning Mom.” She rubbed at her face again, hadn't even taken a shower yet having prioritized her dire need for some serious caffeine.

“Good morning Dear,” Sally Yates said. “I was just calling to see how things were… If there was a chance you could drop by this weekend or if things were just too serious.”

Sharon was barely fazed by all the fuss in the kitchen for the breakfast rush as she spoke with her mother. "You have no idea how serious; I’m going over Final exams."

"Afterwards then, some mother daughter time," Sally Yates said. "I'm planning a vacation for us."

"Yeah, okay- listen, Mom, there's something I need to tell you, so I'll stop by this evening," Sharon said.

"I'll see you then. I have to go, love you." Sally said.

"Love you too Mom." She closed her flip phone and set it on the counter by the coffee pot. Sharon fixed a mug of coffee with a mix of milk and sugar then leaned against the counter as she savored the moment. She sipped her coffee as the aroma drifted up to her nose. Once the caffeine took effect, she mentally reviewed the conversation from the night before.
Garston coughed to gain her attention. She looked up to see them. Ice was leaned against the freezer munching on a Frappuccino popsicle and Mandy sat at the table with Garston. Sharon smiled more to herself. It was like old times. As she approached the table, she looked to Garston, in the three-piece suit. He leaned back just so to catch the light of the sun on his newspaper.

He glanced up at her with a nod and raised his mug to her like a toast. We'll tell them when the time is right.

Of course, when it's right. Sharon nodded and returned the toast.

"You two look serious," Mandy said.

"Like I told Mom," Sharon winked at her. "I’m going over Final exams."


Mandy froze, wondering how she did. When Sharon winked at her, she rolled her eyes and resumed fixing her coffee in her favorite X-Treme Team mug. She waited for Ice to grab one of her treats. "I'm pretty sure I nailed mine."

"I’m sure you did." Sharon sat in the chair across from Garston, resting her arms on the table and then her head on her arms. "I just need to wake up."

"Sharon will have the results on time like she does every term," Garston folded the newspaper and set it aside. "And I have a meeting with someone from The Consortium."

"Are they looking for new recruits, again?" Sharon raised her head and sat back, slumping her shoulders. She gazed out the window to the late Spring scenery outside.

"I never know until I speak with them." Garston stood and moved to the coffee station to top off his mug. "Sarah, nice to see you home." With a nod to her, he left.

Ice leaned against a wall quietly licking at the frozen coffee treat. Watching the others talking and wondering why she stayed away so long, then remembered the money that resided within her pocket and smiled.

With Garston gone, Mandy turned in her seat to face Sharon. "Snow, I think you need a vacation."

Sharon smirked with a chuckle as she took up the newspaper. "People have been telling me that for years."

"I'm serious," Mandy quickly glanced to Ice and back. "If anyone one around here's earned one, it's you."

"And where would I go?" Sharon raised her six-foot tail, wagging the tip. The black and white rosette fur rippled with the movement. "I don't exactly blend in."

"Neither do I," Ice chimed in. "I still manage."

"You have the luxury of being able to not give a damn." Sharon slipped from her chair and stepped to the coffee station. She mixed herself a second cup of coffee. "I may be able to control my telepathy, but I still pick up surface thoughts here and there. People aren't exactly accepting of those of us who don't look human."

"Doesn't the Consortium have a number of places to visit?" Mandy asked. “You know, private places for people like us.”

Sharon studied her in that moment. Mandy sat with her legs crossed, half turned with one shoulder pressed against the back of her chair. She had one hand on her mug and the other resting on her knee. Her stance reflected her thoughts, revisiting her tai chi exercises mentally made her calm, peaceful, relaxed.

"All right," Sharon nodded and smiled. "After this term is over, I promise to look into it."

"Good," Mandy jumped up and grabbed her mug and workout bag. "I'm hitting the showers."

"Just a minute,” Sharon used that motherly tone that made a student stop. She was good like that, especially with her proteges. “Garston and I spoke last night. We think you’re reading to lead and team.”

"Me?" Mandy asked.

"Her?" Ice asked at the same moment.

"There's a team that needs a new leader and you are qualified," Sharon said. She took up the newspaper, tucking it under her arm she stood. "Think about it."

"Yeah, sure." Mandy wagged her head, slinging her backpack over one shoulder. "No promises though." With Sharon gone, Mandy turned to Ice, her mouth agape. "Me, a team leader?"

"They could choose worse." Ice quipped then flinched. "Sorry, that came out wrong."

"Oh, thanks a lot." Mandy shook her head. "I don't know what I want but I know it's not this."

"You need to get out there," Ice tossed away the wrapper of her first frap-cycle and started on her second one. "Have some adventures like me. Or come with me… It'd be great. You and me, Fire and Ice, against the world."

Mandy folded her arms, looking to her friend with skepticism. "Your email said you wanted to come home."

"I did… I do." Ice sighed. "It's complicated."

"It always is with us... I really need that shower." Mandy shook her head again and followed Sharon out of the kitchen.

In the corridor, she held back in seeing Sharon speaking with several of the team leaders and Achilles, another mentor. She could barely make out what they were saying.

"Garston doesn't want their team to know just yet," Sharon had her back was to Mandy, but she was still the one Mandy could hear best. "We received word last night, both Zangri and Trina are missing and presumed dead."

"Are there any leads?" Achilles folded his arms, his muscles bulged through his gym shirt.

"They were in France," Sharon said. "There's been a number of disappearances there. The word from The Consortium's Versailles office says that only Psionics are being taken."

"Dollars to donuts that's why their agent is coming to speak with Garston," Achilles said.

"We can only guess but that would probably be mine," Sharon said.

Mandy turned back, leaning against the wall as she closed her eyes. God, please let them be all right.

Heading back to the kitchen, she missed seeing Sharon look over her shoulder. Mandy paused for a moment at the sight of Ice enjoying her treat. She clenched her hand into a fist. Part of her wanted to say something, part of her wanted to remain quiet. They had been a tight team, training, studies, and fighting against the impossible. They had been tight friends supportive, encouraging, and loved. She wanted to scream, but that other side of her, the trained side of her kept her quiet.

"What's wrong?" Ice asked.

"I… I can't." Mandy dropped her fist onto the counter and bit her lower lip. "I... I need that shower." She rushed up the back stairwell.

Halfway up, she paused again, tears threatening to break free. Several students pounded down the stairs with sports gear. Mandy forced herself to stand strong, letting them pass.

"Thanks, Splitz." One of the girls said as they rushed past her.

"Yeah, have fun." She shook her hands, swiped at her tears, and rushed to her room.

Once inside, she slammed the door and fell against it. She slid to the ground and pulled her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She bowed her head and let the tears come.
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Torque »

Her morning started with the disruption of dreams by the intrusive alarm clock. Torque reached her arm out from the covers and grabbed the alarm clock. It met its fate against the far wall, shattering the glass and warping its blare. A small black and brown streak burst from under the covers of the queen-sized bed. The Yorkshire chased after the clock growling as it pounced and tussled with the power cord. Yipping and bouncing, she tackled and snapped at the cord before jumping. At the clocks final buzz, the dog ran out of the room.

The bed covers moved again, this time the owner of the lavish home stirred, pushed off the satin covers and sat up with a graceful yawn and stretched her arms above her head. The tall slender blonde slinked out of the bed. With her eyes were half closed she made her way to the bathroom. In the shower, she let the steaming hot water cascade over her body and drenched her hair for several minutes as she woke up. She repeated this again after a good lathering to wash her hair.

After turning off the water, she grabbed a plush white bathrobe to wrap herself in and secured her hair in a peach colored towel. Stepping from the bathroom, she made her way to the kitchen where she blended a frozen fruit drink and opened a small can of dog food. Whistling for her dog, Torque then turned to check the messages on her video phone. She listened as she cracked open the newspaper and began skimming over the morning's articles.

She sipped her breakfast drink as she skimmed over the international news. She paused to read the story regarding the disappearances in Europe. It was over shadowed by an article reporting on another local homicide.

In the middle of the local article, a message on her phone got her attention. She snatched it up from her belt and flipped it open. She didn't bother with the caller-ID, she just assumed who it was. "This is Torque, do you have a job for me?"

“Hope you’ve seen the news this morning," Joe Pierce said. "Meet me at our rendezvous point at nine am sharp.”

Glancing at the clock, her eyes went wide; it was 8:45am. Downing her breakfast drink, she rushed back to her bedroom, threw on a pair of jeans and grey tank top. Pulling on her boots, she grabbed her black jacket with the blue shoulder stripe.

Snagging a collection of keys off the kitchen counter, she tapped one of the tiles on the kitchen wall. It opened a hidden door revealing a secret passage. She slipped through, grabbing the sleek black helmet that hung on the wall just inside the small hallway.

With a nod to her brother sitting at the computer center, she mounted her Kawasaki Ninja, revved the engine, and tore out from their underground center using the tunnels under the neighborhood.

The storm from the previous night had left the streets scattered with puddles of water. Tiny ripples showed the only evidence that the rain was still falling in a light drizzle.

Tami rode over the streets sending water spraying up behind her every time she rounded a corner. She made her way to Central Park, slowing before reaching the bridge where a man stood.

He waited underneath the cover of the cement walking bridge; the collar of his trench coat turned upwards to hide his face from passers-by. He turned as Torque brought her bike to a standstill beside him.

She pulled off her helmet, letting her damp strands of blonde hair fall over her shoulders. “What’ve you got for me?” She asked.
He passed her a large envelope and then pulled back to cough.

She raised a brow, watching him. “Better stay out of this stuff, might catch a cold.”

He chuckled. “Your concern is endearing. Everything you need is there.”

Looking into the envelope, she pulled out the pictures of the gruesome scene depicting the cruel detention and mutilation of three young Psionics. Her jaw clenched and she held her breath as she sifted through the others. “Is this real or did they stage it?” She asked.

“Oh, it’s real all right.” Joe shoved his hands into his pockets and made a nodding motion for her to walk with him.

Sliding off her bike, she secured it with the electromagnetic lock, hooked the keys onto her belt, and set the helmet on the handlebar. With the file tucked under her left arm she walked with him in silence for several minutes before he spoke.

“We found the bodies this morning, unceremoniously dumped in the Potomac.” He touched his fingers to his upper lip. As he looked to the East, he took a deep breath. “Clash was one of our best, it was his case… He got too close.” He turned to look at her, half smirking. "That's one image you shouldn’t see it.”

“You want me to take over the case then?” She asked.

He nodded. “I warn you, Clash thought that it might be connected to your parents’ deaths… Torque, you’re the only one in the area close enough to DC.”

“Terrific, I get selected by default despite a conflict of interest.” A sarcastic snicker passed in her tone. “It sounds like my kind of case.”

“I won’t argue, just be careful.” He tapped a gloved finger to her nose. “Remember what happened to your parents.”

“I hate when you do that.” She rubbed at her nose.

He chuckled again. “Torque, I don’t tell Clash about your assignments either, to him, you’re incommunicado.”

She raised her right arm, flipping her hair back over her shoulder. “Tit for tat doesn’t stop me from missing him. He was a good sparring partner.”

Joe put his head back as he laughed. “You two certainly made things interesting at the center, a pyro and a hydrokinetic,” He sighed and shrugged. “At least in the idea it seemed like a good partner match, balancing out.”

They returned to her bike and she released the security system then tucked the package into the compartment under the seat. “Yeah, you always remind me of that.” She mounted her bike then paused to look at him. “Tell the truth, Joe, I disappointed you, didn’t I?”

He turned up the collar of his trench coat and closed the front clasp. “You can start with Doctor Julian Garston, the director of The Garston Institute. He’s waiting to hear from you.” He sighed tensely then smiled with pride. “And Torque… You surpassed my expectations.”

With a sarcastic smirk, she slipped on her helmet and used her heel to snap up the kickstand. Revving the engine, she spun out, spraying him from a puddle of water with her back tire.


As she rode off, memories of their past filled her mind. Joe Pierce was her recruiter to The Consortium of Psionic Research and Academics. He had introduced her to Clash and paired them to train together. But Joe had pissed her off and she reacted like a child. He knew how she felt, and he could’ve stopped things by telling her the truth about Clash, about her family. Now, she tolerated him, accepting the packages and jobs from The Consortium through him. The jabs and sarcasm were pure enjoyment.

Approaching traffic, she slowed down and weaved her way through the cars of angry drivers. Some waved their fists at her, others blasted her with obscene words. She simply waved them off. In a way, it was fun for her, she liked her bike, it took her places and ways any four-wheeler couldn’t. This included maneuvering around the large bulky vehicles.

Making her way out of traffic, she moved onto the interstate as the com-unit in her helmet buzzed. She tapped the controls on her belt to open the call. “Torque, talk to me.”

“Blaze here, can you meet me up north?” The woman asked.

“Negative, got a package this morning.” Tami used their figured code talk.

“Damn, I really need your help with something, and you owe me.” Blaze said.

“Oh, I see, in that case, I’m on my way.” She shifted gears, changing lanes, and taking an off ramp to switch directions.


Not much later, she was passed through Westchester when she called her colleague.

“This is Blaze,” The woman said.

“I’m about ten minutes out, this had better be good.” Torque said.

“It’ll be worth it for you or I wouldn’t have called in the marker.” Blaze said.

Leaning to her left, Tami eased her bike around a sharp turn. She was thinking of a response to her friend when a squirrel darted into the road. “Oh, crap!” She tried adjusting, her reflexes were fast but not fast enough. It seemed like seconds passed as she tried to avoid the rodent. The bike slipped out from under her, crashing into a large tree. Torque felt the hard, wet asphalt meet her back, her head slamming down as she slid across the road and met up with her bike.

She felt a sharp pain on her hip as the phone was crushed from her roll. Pain shot through her body like a flash of lightning. As it subsided, she lied flat on the ground looking upwards. She sighed heavily then tried rolling to get up. Her body reacted with sharp pains in her sides and legs. Closing her eyes, she cursed to herself at her own stupidity. Turning her head, she tried taking off the helmet. The first thing she noticed was the squirrel sitting on a rock grooming itself. “Bastage!”

With a burst of anger, she threw her hand out, unleashing a torrent of water striking the squirrel off its rock. With that done, Torque rested again and thought about moving. More pain sparked in her back and she tossed her helmet to the wreckage of her bike. “Blasted squirrel!”

The quickness of the accident and the coverage of her helmet had kept her from seeing the approaching vehicle. She was too irritated to see the men who approached her.

“Are you all right?” Achilles asked.

"Hello Achilles," she recognized his voice and opened her eyes to see the dark face of the man crouching beside her. Rubbing at her temple she groaned. “I could use some help getting up, if you don’t mind.”

“Hello to you too Torque,” He gently took hold of her hand and helped ease her to sit up before standing. “That was some spill you took.”

“And I’m sure the squirrel enjoyed his bath.” She glared in the direction of the rock. The squirrel had returned to its roost, drenched. A sly smile crossed her face, feeling somewhat justified.

“Do you always attack innocent woodland creatures with your abilities?” Achilles asked.

“Only when they cost me my bike,” She moved slowly to look at the man who stood with his arms folded, dark sunglasses covering his eyes.

She groaned, her arm clutching at her ribs from the wash of pain. They grabbed her as she doubled over, helping her to their vehicle. She was barely coherent at that point, vaguely noting the thud from her bike being placed on the roof or the vehicle or moving from the scene. All she was aware of was the acute pain.
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Archivist »

Originally posted by Hollow

Matt was where he could often be found, well when he wasn’t with Mandy. It had been good to see her smile and be as relaxed as she was last night at the bar.

Surrounded by the labyrinth of the rose garden, Matt had found that he was the only person to find the exact spot he went to almost every day for at least two hours. Although Mandy could just as easily be found there when she was looking for him.

Thinking about how much happier she seemed last night than in for how long he had known her made him smile. The first time in his life he had smiled during meditation. Opening his eyes, he’d take a deep breath, gathering his composure, he’d return to meditation. It wasn’t often thoughts of Mandy kept him from a good meditation, but it had happened a few times before.

Matt knew he wasn’t going to be able to meditate with her on the brain, well not with her so strongly on the brain. Jumping off the bench, he’d excitedly head towards the mansion to find her. He hadn’t seen her since last night. Whoop dee do right? Hey, he was rejected and neglected love at a very young age, of course he’s going to get whooped, easily.

Entering the kitchen via the sliding glass door, he noticed Ice, and Director Garston walked in behind him. Stopping on site of Ice, he’d smirk, making his way over to the coffee machine. Fixing a mug. to how he preferred his coffee, he then walked over to Ice, his demeanor as if he saw her every day.

Putting an arm on her shoulder playfully he leaned close to her. Holding himself up with one leg he stood on more than having her hold him up he’d take a drink of his coffee with a slight smirk. “Is it… cold in here to anyone else?”

With everyone groaning at his pun, Ice nudged him hard in the ribs with her sharp elbow.

Laughing he’d turn around where he could lean on the island counter and look to her at the same time. “Where’ve you been? You know how many times I nearly killed myself because I didn’t have a nice pile of snow to land on?”

While literally on the part of needing something soft like snow to land on when doing things like say, riding a Psionics made of medal while sky surfing directly into the New York streets below at who knew how many miles per hour, he was just giving her hell.
Smiling, he hugged her. “It’s good to see you.”

“God Matt, it's been so long” she smiled as she returned the embrace. It wasn’t a long hug, as he would have wanted; she’d shove him off before she froze him.

“I must have forgotten,” he smiled, and then looked to Sharon and Arcas. “Y'all seen Mandy?”

“Don’t you usually meditate this time of day?” Garston asked.

“Yes sir, but she keeps popping into my head, can't seem to clear my mind when all I can think about is her…so naturally, I’m going to put off meditations and spend time with her.”

Arcas shook his head with a humorous grin.

“What?” Matt should have seen it coming. Arcas flicked his arm, cracking an imaginary whip, then laughed.

“Nuh-uh!” He couldn’t help but laugh a bit himself.

“Oh, come on Matt, I can count the things you think about on one hand!” Arcas counted off, making the others laugh. “Mandy, meditation, food, Mandy, sleep, movies… Did I mention Mandy?”

Director Garston chuckled to himself; he always found it good to see everyone so light-hearted. Unfortunately, Matt hadn’t heard the news. “Everyone, may I have a moment alone with Matt?”

He intended to call Mandy in later to inform her of the information. The other looked to Matt solemnly before leaving.

Turning to the Director, his curious confusion could be seen written on his face. “Wasn’t me!”

“You're not in any trouble Matt…There’s been some information faxed today. I know you were one of the ones hoping everyone from your original team would return, and I know how fond you were of them."

After hearing him out, Matt retreated upstairs to Mandy's room. He didn’t have a key to her door, but he didn’t need one. All he had to do was phase into intangibility and walk through the door. Inside, he lied on her bed, taking up a photo album to look through as he waited for her.
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Eve »

Originally posted by Hollow

Two hulking figures of silhouetted mystery stood before a view screen, before their lord. Behind them, uniformed personnel moved about. Some performed daily tasks while others prepared equipment for departure.

“Sir, the latest demons have been formed” a calm, corrosive voice came from the darkness. “They are magnificent.”

“They should be ready for battle within the week.” A more intimidating, harsher, yet feminine voice followed.

There was no face on the screen, just a shadow with two glowing red eyes. “Excellent, and what of our targets?” A demonic voice seemed to send chills deep into your bones.

“Our spy says that they are unaware and vulnerable. Those who gave us trouble the last time have disbanded, a few are regrouping and hope for the whole group to reform, but they are vulnerable” the woman's voice rang through again.

“We have managed to take out two of them.” The man said. “And at the moment we have the advantage.”

“Good, see to it that we keep the advantage.” The screen went blank.

“Do you think that he suspects our own plans?” Adam asked.

“No, and let’s keep it that way.” Eve turned from him and walked out. Her platinum blonde ponytail swung like a pendulum.
My weapon is an extension of me, my aim will always be true
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Torque »

The fluorescent lights flickered above as she opened her eyes. At first Tami was unsure of her surroundings; she had to reflect on what happened, remember the accident. Looking around, she noticed a woman in a stark white lab coat with auburn hair pinned up and away from her neck. Standing at a lab table she was engrossed with something under a microscope.

Tami decided she needed to move; slowly, she tried to sit up from the bio-bed. The moment she moved the sheet, she gained the woman’s attention. The tapping of heels on tile floor made Tami stop, letting her legs dangle off the bed. She twitched her neck until she heard a slight cracking noise followed by a sensation of release from the discomfort. Raising her hand, she rubbed at the nape and found the IV tube strapped to her arm.

“How’re you feeling?”

Tami looked to the auburn-haired woman and blinked. “I feel like I was hit by a Mac truck.”

The woman smirked as she checked the tube and removed the needle from Tami’s arm. “I don’t think you’ll need this anymore.” She pulled back and set the items on a metal tray. “You had a nasty accident; Achilles tells me something about a squirrel?”

“Don’t remind me, please.” Tami coughed and looked away. “My boss would never let me live it one down.”

“My name’s Venus,” The woman said. “You were brought to the Garston Institute for Learning."

“Garston,” Tami raised a brow. “As in Dr. Julian Garston?”

Venus smiled shyly and nodded. “The same… The guys would’ve taken you to the local hospital except they noticed your display of hydrokinetics.”

“Oh that,” Tami shrugged. she hadn’t thought about the name of her talent in years. It was a gift to her, and her sensei had taught her to appreciate it; to not make a fuss over showmanship. "Little Miss water bug."

Venus placed a pile of clothes on the bed, dropping the boots on top as she glanced over Tami’s attire. “You might want to put these on; we can’t have people walking around in hospital gowns.”

“What about my own clothes?” Tami set the boots aside, stripped off the gown and pulled on the white sweatshirt then the blue denim jeans. “I’m kind of partial to them, especially the jacket.”

“I’ll see that you get them back,” Venus nodded. “These should do in the meantime.” She handed Tami a soft brush and a band for her hair. “Are you interested in knowing the extent of your injuries; how long you’ve been here?”

Fastening her digital watch to her wrist, Tami glanced at it. “Three days, six hours, is that about right doc?” She asked.

Venus smirked. “Yes, that’s about right.”

Pushing off the bed, Tami pulled the boots on and draped the pant legs over them before tying up her hair. “I didn’t feel anything snap or break during the accident, so I assume I’m okay… So, I’m not meaning to be rude, but I have something that needs to be done.”

“Your bike was totaled, there’s nothing left of it.” Venus made a gesturing motion towards the doors and they walked out together. “And the Director would like to speak with you.”

“I'm actually supposed to meet with him.” She glanced around, seeing a man enter another room with several teenagers dressed in black jumpsuits. "Orders from Triton of The Consortium."

As they made their way to the main level, Venus handed her the envelop she'd received from Joe Pierce. When they stepped off the elevator, Tami turned around with the look of sudden realization. “You said my bike was totaled?” She asked.

“That’s right; Arcas has it in the garage. He might be able to save it, we’re not sure.”

Rounding a corner to the foyer, they paused at the scene in front of them. Tami stood stock still, her eyes locked on one of the men. “Benny?”

The scruffy looking man glanced to her and scurried away.

Tammy pursed her lips and balled her hand into a fist.

“He's blocking me.” The voice of Garston whispered in her thoughts. "Try to catch him."
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Double Fire »

In the shower, Mandy leaned against the tiled wall. Pushing away from it, she stepped into the water letting it hit her face pushing back her hair. She was unsure of why she was bothered so much; it wasn’t like her to be this way over her feelings. That was always the one thing she had controlled through her life.

They had fun with the mechanical bull; the many times she had taken Bobby up in her plane, even when they worked on overhauling the Cessna had been fun. Things were good with Matt. Perhaps it was the quietness of the past few months, the lack of action outside of academics and training.

Finished her shower, she wrapped a small towel around her hair and a large one around her body before stepping from the stall. Reaching her locker, she opened it to find her clothes had been removed. Glancing around, she heard giggles and shushes from a hidden alcove. A smirk crossed her face; she wasn’t going to let these pranksters have their victory on her; at least not on this day.

Slamming the locker closed, she gave an exaggerated shrug and promptly walked out of the girl’s shower hall. When she reached her room, she yanked open the door, stepped inside and slammed the door. As she started to remove the towel from her body, she turned and noticed her guest and froze, speechless.
Amanda Lynn Matchall
aka Mandy
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Re: 01 Some Things Never Die... Some Things Do

Post by Snow Leopard »

Sharon had left the small group and was sipping her coffee when she heard the gate alert. She looked out the window first wondering if someone forgot their pass code. Not seeing anyone, she took up her communicator and entered the code for the security room.

"Chill here," he answered.

"This is Dr. Yates. Is there anyone at the gate?" She asked.

"One sec,” he said.

There was a twinge to her temple, and she pressed her hand to it. Images swirled in her mind with a flash of bright light. She flinched and blinked it off.

"Nope, nothing," Chill said. "All's quiet on the home front."

"Thanks," she was about to close the device and hesitated. "Chill, keep an eye out. Something doesn't feel right."

"I'll check all the cams but everything's quiet," he said.

"So, humor me, please." She closed the communicator and set it to her belt buckle.

Back in the kitchen, Sharon found a large bowl of leftovers from previous night's dinner, it wasn't anything special, but it was food. Pausing, she looked up from the bowl to the light. Flashes of colors plagued her mind. She shook her head, whatever had breached her mind still affected her. Leaning against the counter, she rubbed at her forehead. She tried to shake it off. "It must be a telepathic thing."

"Dr. Yates, are you all right?" Pierre, the house cook walked in with one of his aids.

"I think so. Just tired I guess." She shrugged it off and found her way to the table where she sat down. She couldn't shake the feelings she was having. She knew it was connected to the flashes she had received. Garston, can you hear me?

There was no answer and she had trouble dispensing the images. She reached for her communicator again. It fell to the floor as her hands trembled. Doubling over from a blasting image in her mind, she slipped from the chair to the floor.

Pierre snatched up the device as he dropped to his knees beside her. "Medical situation in the kitchen."
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